30 Teams InSouth K.U. Five A Feature Squads to See Prospective Big Six Champions The Kansas university basketball squad has never been taken away from the campus except for a bas-' ketball game, Dr. Phog Allen writes: F. B. Toalson, principal of the sen-i ‘ior high school, and he adds, “You _are the first man who ever has been; able to sell me on the idea. | “When you pointed out that col-'- lege bands and musical organiza- tions make promotional trips for| public relations development for)‘ their school, I rather agreed that |. perhaps the basektbhall squad can) do the same thing, although I still; think the thing could be overdone." So when Dr, Allen brings his var- sity squad here for the two day basketball clinic next week, it will! ; be the squad’s first trip away from | + home as an educational prograin.' “It is an educatitonal program,”! y Dr. Allen’s letter said, “And I be-| + lieve could not be criticized more, than bringing the university. band} » to Dodge City to play a concert.”| L Utica, Shallow Water, Ford andj‘ Liberal high school teams are new| 7 entries for the clinic here next week, which brings the ‘otal of teams to thirty, including the sen-| 9 ior high and junior college teams‘ of Dodge City, Mr. Toalson said.! The junior high team has decided! - not to enter the clinic unless there! ‘ are. other junior high teams in it. | j With thirty teams to work, the, ] clinic play will start Thursday: af- ternoon with each team playing a half ® against another and the coaches of both teams sitting with Dr. Allen for his Suggestions and criticisms as the teams play. In! addition his varsity squad from the| universiy will stage demonstrations sn the program. “We will be pre- pared to give any demonstaration you want,” Dr. Allen said. The K, U. team also will give a demonstration Friday night of the! clinic between halves of the Em-|} poria-Dodge City high school game i which will be the closing feature of: the clinic. j | = | ~~