John Misets Glenn 710 EAST FOURTH ST. BEARDSTOWN, ILLINOIS December 1, 21941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Varsity Basket Ball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens Am still concerned about the officials for the Kansas- De Paul game. I have seen Joe Rieff work several tough games for Bradley, and he is sound under all kinds of pressure even though the home team might be behind in the third over timeée Joe is now a successful lawyer on La Salle Street, and Dutch Lonborg recommends him whenever the opportunity presents itself. Rieff is one of the few Jews in the country to make Sigma Chi at Northwesterny However, Don Elser is a graduate of Notre Deme, and in all probability a Catholic, not by choice, but as usual by birthe I have never seen him in action which means that I am no judge or critic for his work. It seems to me that with this background mentioned above his record should be closely checked unless you want to experiment with six men playing against your sturdy fivee We have found in the Bank here that religion means a great deal om ones word and habits. We watch every "fish eater", because the experiénce that the old timers on the Board have had in the paste Please don't quote me on this subject as we have too many friends and customers that would fall into this groupe John Buecher has just left Beardstown for K. U. He appears to be anxious to return to school and pass his test. Surprisingly, he has studied during this vacation periods Will be watching with interest every g on your scheduleée Sincerely o