GLENN a CEs & FUEL COMPANY ICE Glenn’s Germless Crystal Clear Taste-Free Cubes * * Air-Conditioned Ice Refrigerator Domestic — Commercial * * FUELS Franklin County Springfield COAL * COKE * OIL — Distillate * * STOKERS * bd GLENN SERVICE “One Stop Does It All’ GASOLINE MOTOR OIL BULK PLANT * * (Distributors for West Central Illinois) SALES HEADQUARTERS GENERAL OFFICE 104 State Street 710 E. Fourth St. Phone 54 Phone 51 BEARDSTOWN, ILLINOIS February 11, 1942 Dr. F. C. Allen, Varsity Basket Ball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allens: According to my plans at the time of this writing, I will arrive by train at 5:56 P. M. Saturday. Please tell Mrs. Allen not to prepare any food for me before the game as we can all enjoy it better after beating Nebraska. Also, no special entertainment is necessary for me as I am coming down just to be with you and Mrs. Allen. Tell the squad that I am expecting two Big Six victories while in Lawrence on the weeke end e Incidentally, I am counting a great deal on this week-end as it will be one of my last trips before entering the Service. ry ul O he . JOHN H. G Regardse 85 es _ Daily Capacity of Se Plants