Septenber 17, 1941. Mre John Glenn, 710 Bast 4th &t., Beardstown, Illinois. - Dear Johnny: Your very good letter of September 3 has remained un~ answered due to the fact that when your letter arrived wo were in the midst of matrimonial excitation. It seemed as if every~ body had six times as many jobs to do as could get done, but queer as it may seem, everything went off in fine order and Mrs. Allen end I are left in this big house rattling aroune like a couple of dried peas in a me Jane got married on the Gth and last Sumday morning, which was the 14th, Bobby and Eleanor departed for Philadelphia, both te eter the University of Pennsylvania. Bobby entered the _ medical school and Eleanor, after having spent her freshman and sophomore years here at the University, decided she wanted te go _ gway from this town where she had been born. ‘She is delighted with the place, much to my surprise, and her wire that we re- ceived from her upon her arrival was indeed pleasing to Urs. Allen and to mee. Mary was up for the wedding, so Bobby and Eleanor took her home and stopped at Louisville Sunday night. How for the rest of the family. John Buescher arrived in good shape and he tells me he is not going to get behind in his studies this time that he will have to take eny more corres- ‘pondence. I want thank you for the wonderful influence that been in Buescher’s life. He thinks the sun rises — 88 § have John Bu sets in you, John, and I sometimes wonder if you realize much you mean to that « Thank you for ell the inspiration ; you have been to hin.