December 26, 1941. Mrs Harry Le Orayson, . Sports Editor, NEA, . Cleveland, Ohio. ; Doar Hrs bya Pob Dusby, in the lawrence Journal Worlé, ran the following exceppt from your sports colum, The Seoreboard: "narold Keith of Oklahoma wrote that Coach Bruce Dreke welcomed the Sooners’ eastern basketball trip ‘with ite handicaps of crackerbox courts, slick floors, weird officiating interpretations and hostile crowis.' Drake's idea seemed to be, according to Tub Thumper Keith, thet the jaunt would ideally season his team for ‘the difficult Big Six conference race’. Well, the Sooners couldn't miss getting plenty of seasoning, but what New Yorkers would like to imow is when the Madison Square Garden floor was reduced to the | . @ise of a crackerbox. it is apparent that the good people of the prairie have taken Dr. Forrest C. Allen of Kansag too seriously. If they don't watch out, Dre Phog Allen eventually will convinoe them college football is on its way out. Dr. Allen has been shouting that for a decade." ae ui H i li iH ite E. il g ih 7 the 7 way of illustration, the story goes like this. The offensive man with the ball in his possession passed to the left and then