September 29, 1941. Mr. Gordon Gray, Physical Director, Curtis Field, | Brady, Texas. Dear Gordies It was a pleasure to have your good letter of the 7th instant. I eam sorry that I have not answered it sooner but we have a way of allowing correspondence to pile up on us when our adninis~ trative duties get tough. Yes Tba came to our terms, the same ones wo had last year, but the ones that he did not want this year «a differense in the fimancial setq- ups We are playing them February 20th here and February 25th at Stillwater. I am sending you our sehedule for the years | Give your Adjutant my kindest regards. Tell him that we have a way af getting saqusinted oven though wo do not resort to correspondence » 7 I am happy thet you are enjoying your work at Curtis Field. I knew that you would because you have a friendly way, and that helps so much in contacting meme I certainly would get a big kick out of dropping down te Brady and mesting that group of cute standing men thet you have under your eomtrole It will be a source fe MENTST cme gretifiontien te yowall of your lifes