_. Sidney Se Linseott, President | - @arl V. Rice, Vice President WOMB STATE BANK _ LeTe Linscott, Cashier =e COPY - Decenber 13, 1940 My dear “T have been reading the newspaper reports of your controversy with Phog, Allen with great chagrine “Phe e ins done so much for Kee and you have done so little that it 412 behooves you to stir up dirte cS ee @ pinnacle of publicity, to became a marked man, and had he been permitted to have quietly gone and fought his way from the bottom up, in place of from the top down, he personally and KeUe generally would have written a different storys Now why perseoute Ralph further? It would seem this would have been @ wonderful time for you to have pondered over the old adage that “Silence is Golden.® Ag I recall you were the original man of the campaign to send Ralph ~- Miller to KeUs, and you told me you were sitting by the phone when I wags . solicited to contribute to such a fund. Phog Allen had nothing to do with it, nor did the Universitye I made my checks payable to you personally, and they were so endorsed and no other endorser exeept the collecting banks. As near ag I can figure I contributed about 35% of the fund. Further, being the only Democrat in the “association”, it devolved upon me to fight, bleed and die with my political friends to get him, © Republican family, a job with the Highway to offset his offers with Chicago, Louisiana and California, I sacrificed several political — friendships but got the job done, on the theory that I wes loyal to my Alma Maters = Yow for you to start something that is so umecessary, and can accone -plish no good plus lots of muck, seems to me to be a base betrayal of the friends that helped you at that time, helped you with their time, their energy and their | The dinner party at your house, to which you were kind enough to invite me, and which I enjoyed, seemed to me to be rather a rushing party than one under ‘the auspices of the Athletic Department of the University of Kansas. Every adult present, except yourself, was a member of the one fraternity, and later Ralph joined that fraternitye : 3 | , Really it seems to me that the very nice thing for you to do, out of -vespeot for the friends who stood by you when you wanted them to, would be to just | Phog Allen is the outstanding Basket Ball Coach in the country and KeU. is very fortunate to keep hime