nia acer: ‘S” THEPANAMA CAN = PATNTC & — SHORT ROUTE Y TOWORLD MARK: ute 0 Enroute Colon, Panama November 2, 1940 Dear Educators: Four days out of New York we passed the Bahamas todaye The event of the day was the catapulting of our three planes. The first four days for me will prove the hardest because we have been standing 4 instant regarding my speaking to the Hi-Y conference in Marysvills on Seturday, Decevber 14 at 6:00 P. a You sre dead right. I have quite an assignment with my basketball team this year end I find myself torn between’ two desires; namely that of spending more time on my basketball team and thet of answoring calls like this. I essure you that I appreciate your asking me, but I don't believe that I am doing « very wise thing in leaving my ‘Soys. However, I shall try to arrange to be with you on that dete. .. he state makes no provision for traveling expenses. Therefore, it will ve necessery for me to receive five sents per mils each way when I make such a trip. It will be necesssry for me to coach my boys just prior te my driving up there, so I will heve to arrange my time in such a way thet I will leave here under my. own power et the last possible moment. I find myself so tied up with edministrative work thet I rust stay until just before the gong sounds snd then hike oute Please send me your program so thet I may study it for any possible inspiration that I might get prior to my leaving. I notice thet the theme oi your conference is “Ye Live Whole." I am wondering if you could give me some suggestions as to what you would like for me to speak one While I neturally will talk on some subject very mach akin to the theme, et the same time, I feel you could give me some helpful hint. I notice you have said enough in your letter thet perhaps I could get some idea from this communicstion to work it out, but I am always earxious to heve you give me all the background thet is possible. Will you please aclmowledge receipt of this letter, giving me any additional data thet is within your power? I should also like to know just what time you expect me there so that I may determine what time I should leave here. I will plan on traveling back to Lewrence thst evening. Very cordially yours, Director of P»ysical Educstion and Pecreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCA :1g:min . RALPH W. HARBISON PRESIDENT CLEVELAND E. DODGE CHAIRMAN INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE JAMES M. SPEERS TREASURER WILLIAM E. SPEERS CHAIRMAN NATIONAL BOARD JOHN E. MANLEY GENERAL SECRETARY THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF THE YOUNG MENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS LEWIS A. DICK PRESIDENT AREA COUNCIL DEAN E. SHAFFER FIRST VICE PRESIDENT FRANK B. PARKER SECOND VICE PRESIDENT RANDALL FOSTER CHAIRMAN AREA BOARD &. E. CORDRY RECORDING SECRETARY RAY E. NORMAN ASST. RECORDING SECRETARY PAUL B. SWEET TREASURER DR. A. F. TYLER ASSISTANT TREASURER 18 Sige al hn L . 1 . include boys from th 4 on, I am on behalf of the Conference Committee OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATE NAME INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS OFFICE OF WEST CENTRAL AREA COUNCIL 114 EAST NINTH ST. TOPEKA, KANSAS ) \ ber 19, 1940 — oOVvem 4 Vel cc t fy 7 * Fe. CO. Alien > dom NP on aay Si ty of Kansas CAok de RO ce, Kansas that the dates > + J x pee AO ecm to ee ee A le age Oa Y conference come at the beginning of your een the © wean are Tar ee ating that you are a busy man : +9 saa Rs a ea ee season, I am still going to ask you to give t -~Y conference at Marysville, Saturday r iress at our 1 7 evening, December 14, at 6:00 o'clock. This sonferense e a] ag the northern . p, ~ our cvonrerenc > High Schools central part of Kansas. The theme o rh O Oo oe a ee es ee : Ae ee We Live Whole" emphasizing the numerous areas in which oy has to live in order to make his life vital. This roach includes his avozations as well as his vocations. 4 ~ ) =, 5 “ ~~ wa tt) ry 2A ~ ~ 4 Js A ~ 1.07 . > > ur way clear to accept as Os sa 5 en Sincerely yours, Ze A Deeds — + {x i 2 Leo L. Gessell Frogram Secretary -TR ae A. L. MAYER EXECUTIVE SECRETARY H. W. BOLTZ ASSOCIATE SECRETARY LEO L. GESSELL PROGRAM SECRETARY RUDOLF P. WIENS ASSOCIATE HI-Y SECRETARY FRED sS. JARVIS ASSOCIATE HI-Y SECRETARY CHARLES SCHWIESO, JR. SECRETARY, ROCKY MOUNTAIN STUDENT COUNCIL FERN BABCOCK SECRETARY, SOUTHWEST STUDENT COUNCIL Novenbor 26, 1940 Mre John He Glem 710 East Fourth Ste Beardstom, Illinois Dear Johns Thank you for your good letter of the 22nd instant enclosing clippings from the Illincsian Star of September Sth and 6th, following my visit to your. most hospiteble citys I lmow that you are tremendously a eee : miss cut on your assigmoents. ee ‘umtil you get the job dones We are pleying a football game here with Colorado State on Thursday, the 28th, which is the Republican Thanksgiving, but tonight the Varsity are playing the All-Stars at 7245. The All-Star team is composed of the ever= victorious team of 1936 sans Fred Pralle, but they will add Don Fbli end Bruce Vorane It should be quite an outfit for the Varsity to playe Noble, Paul Rogers, Ray Sbling, Francis Keppelman and Gordon Gray, o member of the 1935 team who is ee Oe will mke a star-studded team with plenty of power. fio 'ss22 tart Suni Meigleunn: olid SNS tahoe at tenmaid, Ol Olin at quarterback and center and Bob Allen and Jom Kline at guarde John Bussbher is eligible for Varsity games but he does not have a © average, so there are three boys we are holding oute dohn could kelp us tonight but I prefer the emphasis upon studies so we will not pley hime There are two other _ goed bosy that we will not play but whon wo play Teme on the 9th and 10th of December we should have all the boys eligibles We are playing the freshmen here on December 6 and that will be quite a struggles | ae I will give the boys your kindest regards and although I kmow that you may wish for them to be up in the runing, I am afraid that this year w aré going to be noticeably weak regarding heft and power. We will be good ba handlers but we have too much rough opposition to hope that we will climb the ladder as high or successfully as we did last year, Many breaks luck plus an unconquerable courage got the boys as far as they went last year. I do not believe that we have that same ability this year but we will be in there struggling and we thank you for your good wishese ; Sune We cortainly want to see you at Columbia or Ames this year and we are hoping that somehow you will find it possible eee oe ee ee a ee ee cee My. Glem : Page Two Nove 27, 1940 With all need wishes to your lovely mother, the Kuhis, and as I said before, the “eoolmn", I am, : . ~ Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg Hohn ae Glenn 710 EAST FOURTH ST. BEARDSTOWN, ILLINOIS November 22, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. "Phog" Allen Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Enclosed please find clippings from the Illinoian Ster of September 5th and 6th after your visit to our city. As you can see, I have been somewhat delayed in forwarding them to you, but nevertheless they are now in your hands. With the football season over after the game Ad, Columbia yesterday, I suppose that you are now putting the "heat" on the basketball boys. I have hopes of seeing your team in action in the Tiger City, or else in Aimes during the coming 1940-41 season. Please give my regards to the members of your basket- ball squad, and tell them that I am counting on their going one better than last year's team, as they have to achieve the goal of National Champions in March at Kansas City. Cordiglly your JOHN H. GL JHG/RH November 27, 1940 Mire Ralph E, Graber : Instructor, Depte of Printing Liberty Memorial High Sehool Lawrence, Kansas Dear lr, Graber: The four calendars you sent us this morning are greatly appreciated. We have put the Noveaber ones up in both our offices and they are very decorative indesde Thank you very indly for sending them to We Sts Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Rdueation and Reoreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAglg November 29, 1940 Mre Hilden Re Gibson | Department of Political Sciense — University of Kansas oe Dear Professor Gibecns Thank you very much for your very good letter of the 26th instante It wes nice of you to write me as you dide I might explain my whole purpose in insisting on a ¢ average for the student. ify notion is that unless a student — is ming C average in all the work that he is taking he is in jeopardy. Our desire is that he pass his work, and we are using this athletic halter on these non-academic bronchos to get them eligibles We like to give them a nibble of corn, but we desire that they have durable einen tien : when they get out of college. We apply the same measuring ick Ab ee ere people and cur thought is thet unless they can get a C average, they - are in denger of losing their eligibility after the semester in cvere For this reason we go beyond the Big Six eligibility for the athlete's own lasting benefic. I believe we have stimulated Don Ettinger to the point that he is finding himself and realizing that he is much | happier in his improvement than if we should let him play with= out challenging the best that is in hime Thank you very much for ali the trouble you have gone te in behalf of this boy and our Department. = Sincerely, Director of Physical Education end Recreation — Varsity Basketball Coach FCA tlw THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE LAWRENCE November 27,1940 Dr. F. ¢. Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Don Ettinger has been in to see me several times about his grade in Social Science Survey. Though I like Ettinger very much, I can't seem to make him under- stand that his grade is what it is and that there is nothing I can do to change it. I did, however, offer to write you a note explaining his situation exactly to you. Here's the dope. Ettinger flunked the first exam- ination with a grade of 31. On his next examination he showed notable improvement, making a 69 which was good for aC. In spite of that, however, his first grade was so low that according to the numerical system with which I grade, he still had an F at mid-semester. We have had no examination since then. He seems to be working quite hard, and it is my hope and expectation that he will pull himself out of the hole with the next quiz. But thet, as I tried to explain to him, obviously can not be used as a legitimate excuse for raising his grade at the present. ‘Sincerely yours Hldin 4 dibedy Hilden R. Gibson HRG Van November 30, 1940 Ure Leo Le Geasell Program Secretary, YellceCeAs 114 Kast Sth Street Topeka, Kansas Dear Mire Cessells This will aclmowledge your favor of the 29th, and I assure you that I am happy to choose as my text, “We live Whole.” You may count on thise I will be very happy to drew from my in coaching and dealing with people for my illustra- tionse Anticipating the pleasure of seeing you and your group at varysville, Kansas, on December 14, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAsiw RALPH W. HARBISON CLEVELAND E. DODGE WILLIAM E. SPEERS JAMES M. SPEERS JOHN E. MANLEY PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN NATIONAL BOARD TREASURER GENERAL SECRETARY THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF THE YOUNG MENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LEWIS A. DICK A. L. MAYER PRESIDENT AREA COUNCIL CORPORATE NAME EXECUTIVE SECRETARY INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS DEAN E. SHAFFER H. W. BOLTZ FIRST VICE PRESIDENT ASSOCIATE SECRETARY FRANK B. PARKER OFFICE OF La: ook ee WEST CENTRAL AREA COUNCIL een ere es, RANDALL FOSTER RUDOLF P. WIENS ee 114 EAST NINTH ST. ASSOCIATE HI-¥Y SECRETARY E. E. CORDRY TOPEKA, KANSAS FRED S. JARVIS eee ASSOCIATE HI-Y SECRETARY RAY E. NORMAN ASST. RECORDING SECRETARY November 29, 1940 CHARLES SCHWIESO, JR. SECRETARY, ROCKY MOUNTAIN PAUL B. SWEET STUDENT COUNCIL TREASURER FERN BABCOCK DR. A. F. TYLER SECRETARY, SOUTHWEST ASSISTANT TREASURER STUDENT COUNCIL Dr. Forrest Ce Allen Director Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens I was quite elated to know that you are taking time from a busy schedule to give us your services on Saturday evening, December 14. I know that you will find an eager group as an audience at this meeting. We, of course, will pay for your trip so that you will be out no money. Our regret is that we are not able to pay an honorarium above expenses. The Saturday night dinner meeting is one which follows a break for recreation in our conference. From 4:00 to 63:00 the boys are free from meetings and so will come back refreshed and relaxed. Our con- ference theme, as you know, is "Seeing Life Whole." I note that you have stated it "We Live Whole." I wonder if that would not be a good topic for your talk. I would not want you to necessarily stay by our theme, but would want you to bring in experiences out of your long background of coaching and dealing with persons who are close to you in your sports and physical educetion. Therefore, I should like to have you feel free to talk in these general terms. If this is agreeable to you, I should like a word from you to that effect so we can give title to your address. Again thanking you for acceptance, I am Sincerely yours, Leo L. Gessell Program Secretary LLG: FR December 3, 1940 Mr. Mat Classberg 1101 Kings Highway Brooklyn, New York fear ire Glassbergs - We have your letter of November 22 and we meu games for the coming seasons We wish to thank you for your kind wishess Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation - Varsity Basketball Coach . FCAsig¢ — RALPH W. HARBISON CLEVELAND E. DODGE WILLIAM E. SPEERS JAMES M. SPEERS JOHN E. MANLEY PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN NATIONAL BOARD TREASURER GENERAL SECRETARY THE MAT |ONAL COUNCIL OF THE YOUNG MENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LEWIS A. DICK A. L. MAYER PRESIDENT AREA COUNCIL CORPORATE NAME EXECUTIVE SECRETARY INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS DEAN E. SHAFFER H. W. BOLTZ FIRST VICE PRESIDENT ASSOCIATE SECRETARY FRANK B. PARKER OFFICE OF LEO L. GESSELL WEST CENTRAL AREA COUNCIL PROGRAM SECRETARY RUDOLF P. WIENS SECOND VICE PRESIDENT RANDALL FOSTER ee 114 EAST NINTH ST. ASSOCIATE HI-Y SECRETARY E. E. CORDRY TOPEKA, KANSAS RECORDING SECRETARY FRED S. JARVIS ASSOCIATE HI-Y SECRETARY RAY E. NORMAN ASST. RECORDING SECRETARY December 4, 1940 CHARLES SCHWIESO, JR. . SECRETARY, ROCKY MOUNTAIN PAUL B. SWEET STUDENT COUNCIL TREASURER FERN BABCOCK DR. A. F. TYLER SECRETARY, SOUTHWEST ASSISTANT TREASURER STUDENT COUNCIL Mr. Forrest Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: I neglected in my last letter to you to ask you for a cut of yourself that would be suitable for a gloss sheet in our program. This cut should be approximately 13x23", If you have nothing in that size, kindly send us a picture and we will have one made. Sincerely yours, la Ae Leo L. Gessell Program Secretary LLG:FR December 5, 1940 Mire Leo Le Gesseli Program Secretary YelieCoAs 2. 114 fast Ninth Street Topelm, Fansas Dear lire Gesselis I am sending you a mat, the only thing that I have available. We ase mats instead of cuts in our distribution because it involves less expenses Perhaps you would rather have a cut, but I believe that you can use this met under the condi tionse If you prefer a gloss instead of the nat please let me know at once end we will send you OnGe Sid you ithaiy, ubieis the aut th yw CONVe HLENCHs ° Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation wv Basketball Coach FCAslg Varstiy © Intramural @ Big Six UNIVERSITY DAILY KANSAN PAGE FOUR Big Six Teams In Nation-Wide Jaunts For Xmas BY CARL LUNDQUIST Untied Press Staff Correspondent Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 12. —(UP)—Five of the Big Six con- ference basketball. teams will indulge in intersectional jaunts that will carry them from coast to coast before their league schedules begin this year, but the sixth, the Missouri Tigers, will be a bunch of “stay at homes.” While their league brothers from Nebraska are basking in | California’s sunshine and while Kansas, Oklahoma, Iowa State | | and Kansas State engage in? Lookin g Good--- junkets to the east, Missouri’s boys are going to stick to an intra-state schedule which in- cludes games with Westmins- ter, Washington, St. Louis Uni- versity and Springfield Teach- Crs: Meet Indians in Two Sports Incidentally, Nebraska’s basket- eers are going to play on the west coast at the same time that the Cornhusker football champions of the Big Six are meeting Stanford in the Rose Bowl. Even more of a co-incidence is the fact that one of Nebraska’s basketball opponents will be Stanford. The basketball schedules were made out long he- fore the Husker football team was invited to the Rose Bowl, however, so Coach Harold Brown of the bas- ketball five figures it simply as a “lucky happenstance.” The Huskers start their basketball swing on the day after Christmas at Berkeley, playing California. On the next night, Dec. 27, they play Stanford at Palo Alto, then go north to meet Oregon State at Corvallis on Dec. 30. This will give them plenty of time to get back down to Pasadena by New Year‘s Day. Oklahoma, Kansas and Kansas State all will go on eastern junkets which will take them to the At- lantic coast. Jayhawkers in Garden The Jayhawkers will play “one night stands” at New York, Phila- delphia and Chicago, starting at Madison Square Garden on Dec. 28 when they play the Fordham Rams. GORDAN NICHOLAS Big Gordon Nicholas, State’s senior co- captain and cen- ter who has rolled in 29 points in | the Cyclones’ first three games this year. | Iowa On Dec. 30 they move over ei finish the tour at Chicago on Sanu-_| ary 3 against Loyola. | Kansas State plays a four game| eastern series, starting Dec. 27 at Villanova, Pa., against Villanova, On the next night, the Staters play George Washington at Washington, D.C., and on Dec. 30 meet Seton Hall College at South Orange, N.J., finishing up at Urbana, IIl., on Jon. 2 ee the elie: of ae December 17, 1940 Mre Leo Le Gessell Program Secretary : YeiioC ole an 114 East Ninth Street Topeka, Kansas | Dear Mre Gessell; We returned safe and sound fron our trip and I want you to Imow that we enjoyed it very muche Sinee I have so many small amounts out due to my travel, I would appreciate it if you would mail me a cheek at your early conveniences Wita all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, > Director of Physical Rducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach PCAsig January 8, 1941 Mire Curvin Greeno 1025 We 55th Street Kansas City, Missouri Dear Curvines Your letter of January 6 addressed to Dre Allen has been received. tre Allen is out of tow at the time but as soon as he returns your letter will be brought to his attentions Sincerely yours, Secretary to Dre Forrest Ce Allen