October 20, 1940 lire Jom Glenn Glenn Utilities Beardstovm, Tllincis Dear Johns p | I regret exceedingly that and your good mother cannot evail yourselves of the opportunity to take in either the Nebrasia or le you I thoroughly understand the the Oklahom game, but I assure We do hope, however, you will surprise us some weelonde Be sure that you write us or wire us and let us lmow when you arp coming, because on Osteber 26 I go to the Northeast Missouri Teachers College at Kirksville, to address them at their homecoming banguet on that date. they are playing Iowa Weslyan, I believes From 1912 to 1919, when I was coach of all sports and director — of athletics at Central IMssouri State Teachers Collegs in Warrensburg, the many rivalries that we had with the Wortheast College ripened into friendly contacts and after ebout twenty-five years I have been asked by my friendly opponents to be their main speaker, so Mrse Allen and I will drive over there that days | : : , “6 Gn November 1, 1 speak at Toledo, Chie at an athletic banquet, Sponsored by the Northwestern District Board, held in counection with the Northwestern Chico Teachers Association. Then on Movember 7, I speak on zone defense end the fast break in basketball at Shorewood Bigh just out of Milvaukee. This is a program for the besketball and football coaches groupe ee I notice that you will not be in your office on the 29st. Is that October or November? Possibly we might surprise you, Mra. Allen and I, end drop by to see you and rs. Glenn overnight, if we can mike | « Lot mo lmow if the Glem family will be home during the early part of November. | e = or : Looking et the football schedule, on November 2, if I have it correct, Northwestern is playing Minneapolis at Minneapolis; Indians ie playing Ohio State at Bloomingtons and Illinois is playing Wisconsin at Urbane I am wondering if the Glenns and the Allens might get together