. Me September 27, 1940 Urse Alice Ke Griffith The Athletic Journal : 6858 Glenwood Avenue | : , : , Dear Mrs.s Griffith: Answering your favor of the 23rd instant, I beg to state that I have asked our Visual Instruction Bureau to send you the films of the IndianaeKansas game, the Southern Californiaeliansas game, and the Hs Wk ch cen dusk 0 hints dia es ie of the films to be reproduced, I thought it would be much better to send these to you and let you look at them from the projectors Doubtless you could stop these films at any point that you so desired. You could also take a good | look as to the cleritys If you care to have a print made to see whether they oe Shane See eee Sate, 8 wee oy £00 that since you were to tely pass on the availebility of this for your — that it might be best that you mlm the decteton theres i The Visual Instruction Bureau tells me that they use thé reversibie films and that they have no negative film, ae was done in earlier shootings ‘They just make a print of this reversible film, and although it is nota negative, they state that you can have @ print made of this as easilyasa negativee I may be in error, and doubtless the youmg man that I was speaking to may have mado an error in this statement. If so, you san correct both of uSe We have a firm in Kansas City, the Calvin Company, that makes a print — a eee of the lind. } If you feel that these prints are cleer enough, I believe that’we could collaborate with you and doa pretty good jobs I quite agree with you that the Joe Reiff set-up which he €id for you on Defense Maneuvers is very clear, and pedagogically attractives I have been told by some research individual that a picture is 609 times as effective as the printer's worke Certainly when Sa ee ee ee ee the old method of expositions ‘When we boosted the National Collegiate tournament here we eukiod at the World Series of Basketball. Harold Olsen liked this very much and I believe ‘ that we could originate a “catchy” name that would put the stuff over. The fact that Southern California was in it would make it attractive because I am told that