Er, John Glenn, Beardstown, Illinois. Dear Johns One of my very dear friends here in Lawrence desires d seets to the All-Star Collegiate football game , 26th. I am especially amxious to get the very best seats obtainable for him. Having known of the fact thet you managed the first All-Ster game in 1936, and , knowing well thet you can tap the sources thet be toward obtaining good seats, I am burdening you with this res-= ponsibility. I trust the ordeal will not prove too much. My good friend, Julius Marks, desires three seats for this classic. Therefore, I would appreciate it greatly if you would order these and if you will let me imow the emount I will sent it to you forthwith. i would prefer that you get them and mail them te me, but if they are not to be distributed until a little later date ict me know tho amount and I will send you a cheek at once. I had a nice visit end @ good golf game with our T have just dictated a letter to John Buescher and have also written one to the meubers of our varsity Direotor of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coachs . :