John Feasts Glenn 710 EAST FOURTH ST. BEARDSTOWN, ILLINOIS August 7, 1941 Dear Dr. Allens: Have just written my friends in the Sports Department of the Chicago Tribune in regard to three seats for their classic. I trust that they will do their best to fulfill my order as it is a pleasure to do this favor for you. Also, I enjoyed reading and rereading your letter of August 4 to the Kansas Varsity Basketball Men. As usual we will be pulling harder than ever for yourthis year, and it is my hope that I will be able to see your team in action once or twice during the coming seasone Don't forget that you and Mrs. Allen have a dete with us some time during the last of August or the early part of September; as you will recall it has been your custom during the past few years to spend part of your vacation here with us. I trust that you and Mrs. Allen are in the best of health and are enjoying a pleasant summer in Lawrence. Sincerely,