Twenty Years of Gains and Changes in basketball Wheat a galaxy of events in the history of basketball is this year, 1941 AeD’ The Golden Anniversary of Basketballs The Silver Anniversary of the Joint Basketball Rules Committees ‘Two decades of phenominal progress in basketball. What has inspired the phenomenal growth and progress of this great game? How have the offense and the defense changed? Why the great popularity of this sport? These are a few questions for which we find the answerse From the inventor’s peach basket to the present iron rimy from & soccer football to a fullesized regulation basketballs from the large rectangular 6* x 4" backboards, that were first made of chicken wire, then glass, then wood, to the present streamlined faneshmaped pressed-steel backe boards, the game of basketball has steadily forged ahead to become one of the most popular amateur sports. The original purpose of the large backboards was to keep spectators and partisans of the game from kicking or batting the ball away from the basket. later the players learned to bank the ball from these large boarda. The Reserach Committee of the Rules Body, by cutting away the dead wood, retained only the fertile area of the board. ‘The radical reduction in size of the backboard has aided spectator visibility, back of the basket, more than fifty pereent. From the amall low-ceilinged gymasiuns to the massive field houses of todays from audiences of a few hundreds to crowls of from 12,000 to 20,0003 from nine, then seven to five players on a side unfolds the unprecendented growth of the fiftysyear-old indoor game of basketball. Everyone knows that the distinguished Dr. James Naismith, former Proe fessor of Physical Education at the University of Kansas, while a student at Sil ab cecilia