Referee shall be judge of the ball, and shall decide when $ to belongs, goal has been made, keep account of the goals, with any other duties that are Ee » 3 we 5 te i2— The time shall be two 15-mimrte halves, five minutes betwoene 2B_ ‘The side making the most goals shall be the wimners In case of a@ dyaw, the game may, by agreement of captains, be continued until another goal is madose ‘Important fumiamentale of the game as played today are found in the original thirteen rules. This fact is a remarimble tribute to the sound judgment and foresight of their authors low have the Offense and the Defense Changed? — Stuns ts tes abbanibinn nteeaey Shiba te bike first thirteen rules, the fundamentals of the geme have changed but little, if any. But the rules makers have legislated rules since which have affected both the offense and the defenses the three-second rule, the ten«second rule and the elimination of the center jump have all contributed to the present hurricane, hearte splitting game thet we have at present. But the fimdamentals have remained about the sam@s The accepted unified terminology of the game, the formation of the Natioual Association of Basketball Coaches and the Research Commi ttee, both of the Rules Body and Coaches Association have been a definite factor in stabilizing and improving the rules and administration of basketball, Why the great popularity of the sport? Basketball has had truly an amateur as well as a sound educational and a real missionary backgrounds (1) The genuine amateur sports promoters of America are the Boards of Education of the high schools and the Boards of Regents of the universities and Gollegess There are 27,474 high school buildings in the Mnited States. There are also 9,158 junior high schools, 918 colleges and 600 junior colleges. : } ; sshnennithetnsneiidanitataesinaaintaninsnisbinisidtaniaiainianintineiadl