VITALITY THE SECRET OF HEALTHY MANHOOD J. J. Cartledge, who for many years has made an exhaustive study of athletic supporters, tells the REAL REASONS. for wearing them. 70 per cent. of leading athletes do not know. DO YOU? Men who make their living, through the strength and health of their bodies— professional wrestlers, boxers, runners, tennis players and other athletes—never enter a contest without proper support. The jock strap has been an essential in athletics for years. Yet a recent survey conducted among professional and amateur athletes re-_ vealed the startling information that these men, who are constantly subjecting the vital parts of their bodies to severe strains, while aware of the necessity for correct support, did not know the real reasons for wearing athletic supporters! _ What chance, then, have youngsters in sports, or business men who indulge in occasional games of golf, or labourers working at strenuous jobs, to know these important facts? Right and Wrong Athletic Supporters Actually, in spite of their wide use, many old-style supporters have been definitely injurious. They really have harmed their wearers, by sagging in front and putting a down-pressure instead of a lift on the testicles and delicate cords. Correct support consists of lifting the testicles and scrotum so that the weight is taken from the deli- cate cords. reproductive or spermatic Why LIFT is Vitally Important The reproductive organs, which we call ‘The Vital Zone,” are closely allied with mental processes, with energy and with initiative. They affect general physical well-being. NOTE the accompanying diagram of the male “Vital Zone.'’ You can see why heavy, unevenly suspended testicles cause a feeling of weariness and strain in this region. The weight of the testicles is supported by the delicate spermatic cords which pass through the inguinal rings. Unsupported scrotum and testicles place an ever-increasing strain on the fine muscles protecting the inguinal rings, because of the down-pull of the repro- ductive cords. MALE VITAL ZONE D sO i UPPER INGUINAL RINGS REPRODUCTIVE ( SPERMATIC) — CORD Rupture results from overstrain of the muscles protecting the inguinal rings and serious scrotum injuries may result from over-exertion of the ‘'Vital Zone.” It is to prevent these serious results and to conserve vitality that an athletic sup- porter is worn. Medical statistics show that one man in every seven‘has inguinal rupture or is very susceptible to it because of enlarged inguinal rings. Doctors say that a man, if ruptured, is only 50 to 75% efficient in his ordinary life. An athlete with rupture is completely ‘washed out."’ Rupture is most prevalent in former athletes and in men past early youthful vigor. The use of a support in youth will largely prevent strains and ruptures in later years. The only way to ensure safety is to raise the testicles and hold them in a comfortable manner, so that the weight is removed from the connect- ing cords. NOW, this is correctly accom- plished by the unique design of PROTEX SUPPORTS! - PROTEX--The Modern Way Protex may be described in brief words—no cutting, no chafing, no slip- ping, no sliding! Protex does not bind, prevents dangerous ‘'testicle-drag!"’ Pro-. tex anchors above the hip bones, retaining constant control and support! _ Note the two accompanying illustra- tions on other side showing a comparison of "The Protex Varsity Support—NO SAGGING!” and "The Old Way— SAGGING!” See how the old way allows the waist- band to slip down, depriving the ‘Vital Zone" of needed lift. Then see how the PROTEX waistband, anchored above the hip bones, is held firmly in place, re- taining completely the important lift for which it is worn and designed. Note, too, the new type PROTEX Frontal Insert, which makes “‘no-slip, no-slide"’ possible! Leg straps in old-style supports are attached to the waistband. They pull the waistband down, cancelling the lift of the pouch and destroying the safety factor. With limb movement, the understraps slip into the furrow of the anus, causing chafing and burning. NOW, note the Protex leg bands— attached to the special Frontal - Insert. They help to lift the lower abdomen and keep the support centered on the body. They cannot pull down the waistband. They cannot slide into the anal furrow!