PROTEX Specialties PROTECTIVE CUPS At Left—PROTEX Featherweight No- Bruise Cup (Pat- ented)—Light and comfortable. Re- commended for all sports. Rounded edges prevent bruis- ing. At Right—PROTEX Aluminum Cup (Patented)— Light in weight. Guaranteed for all sports. A Felt padded aluminum cup (not illustrated) can be supplied at the same price. Rounded edges prevent bruising. PROTEX SHORTS Modern under- wear for modern men! Fine fa- bries . carefully tailored. Built- in PRO EN Support, with comfortable pa- tented | Protex design. | exclu- sive Protex fea- tures provide an inward-and-upward. lift, for sagging abdomens and assure the trim, alert appearance that modern men desire. Varsity Shorts fit Waist 26” to 35”, Senior 36” to 52”. IMPORTANT-—Sizes for Supporters and Shorts SMALL MEDIUM LARGE N arrow Fits Waist Waist Waist Waistband (1 ee eee, 28”-30” 32” Regular Waistband (3”)... 30” S2" 34” Outsize Waistband (3”)...36”-38” 40”-44” 46”-52” See PROTEX Supports on Inside Pages