1. Slanting Waist- band--tailored to fit contour of the body. It cannot sag and en- sures back, scrotum and abdominal sup- port. at all times. 2. Patented Insert (with single strength top) stretches easily, allowing normal breathing and giving additional lift to scrotum with each expansion of the abdomen. Stretch waistband and see pouch raise and lower. 3. Narrow 1” Understraps are attached to patented insert and not to waistband. Keeps support centred. No pull down on waistband . . . helps abdominal lift... prevents chafing . . . cannot slip into furrow of the anus. 4. The slanting waistband, tailored to fit the contour of the body, has double strength elastic at top. This ensures double life and double lift. 5. PROTEXpatented construction allows waist- band to anchor above hip bones. Prevents sagging. Insures scrotum lift at all times. Reduces and lifts abdomen and supports the back. i anint A l a N a lt es