I1cE PLANT S oe OFFICE 710 EAST FOURTH ST. 65 TONS - DAILY CAPACITY (cle TELEPHONE $i = Ate 5 >t : GLENN ICE AND FUEL COMPANYS, BEARDSTOWN, ILLINOIS —. ™ oes ean TF frm is Ce ag : / i. oe Pewee e Se im a a, CL Se a — oc Neat x. as ™ eS a + ¢ saree oer ; . J? . = a ae = \ “October 5, 1933 ~ es ies 7 7 2 ey x ae MANUFACTURED co - Cae ICE ee i al > “~— Dr. Forrest C.Allen ee Varsity Basketball Coach /~_ AND University of Kansas S SPRINGFIELD Lawrence, Kansas COAL Dear Dr. Allens ceo I just finished writing a letter to our mutual friend John Buescher, whom you have reported to be in the Watkins Memorial Hospital. GASOLINE . FUEL OIL I certainly abpreciate your notifying me concerning Johns sickness and also to his receiving a medical examination. DISTILLATE The attention and time that you and Mrs. Allen are giving him brings a great deal of happiness to me but I feel as though I have shipped you a burden instead of an All-Amer- ican from the way things have started out for John. BULK STATION If at any time I can personally do anything for John or if you think I can pep him up from this end of the line please write me accordingly. Incidentally, perhaps his sickness is due to the excitement, homesickness, and get- ting accustomed to his surroundings.- Let us hope this is true, so this adjustment period will soon be over so he can seriously get down to his studies and get ready to mold himself into a member of one of your fine cage teams. This is one of John's main ambitions in life and I am sure he will do everything in his power to fulfill it, AIR CONDITIONED ICE REFRIGERATORS COAL however, if he doesn't have his health we all know what STOKERS the results will be. Sie YS, OIL BURNERS JHG/CK 4