i , bite ia a ig.ta a3 a: ie 3 } 3 «gas aie Pel sa ae fda ue Cita fae ot Hi oe Bs HY, Hii fice! =f hy Ap si eas] Atak ae antl jn as apta ang pees eS ous “ iH E ie cea i 3 : Re ia Ns ists 3 bidity Ej ri eed pare bee di Hi He, ae a Ml S agg $faee 3 « a welt B sli ser tte slows 6 sere ts tah fo emt aig ho ts 40 to But weave net evying, Jelmnys te took. n Scking fren a better team thet night, but on March 1 I think you are going to nn find the situation definitely reversed. ‘Tho boys are so disgusted with theke play at they ith wised domub and X belines play inepised ball-against the Tigers here. We are still in the race, but the fact that Missouri beat Iowe State at Ames, @ task that we have some diffi- culty in doing generally at Jom State, is the thing that I see thet the Tigers heve over'us. Oklahom is powerful and if they should bent Nebyasia with Don Fitz, their star cuard, out this Saturday night, I am efvaid that it is going to be tough later for us to win at Lincoln. So there are all sorts of complications that may spell defeat for us in the = ee eee toughe We met Nebreaias last nh gvh-with a tor a their Ged Guiih sh 08 Sih pach thea aaa tae cme, Me es te i do not believe thet he will bo back ready te go against Oklahem et Lincoln Saturday nighte We should have had no trouble at all with Nebrasia, but they gave us plenty of trouble in the first-half. our boys sometines get in the melancholy doldrums, and i have tho damedest: a NG ee to 8 Fey eS ey ee aes Serine —o In ‘the second half the boys looked like theuselves and i. mly permitted the livskers one field goal in the last twenty mimitess + used severteen men against them, end I honestly believe that I -could iaies NER Mie to he ‘toons if 1 kept the regulars ine However, you — know that has never been my ideas I believe in playing the best mon and urging that they get a lead so timt the regulars can give way to the substitutes. That is the wy 1 have of endeavoring to develop morales I wart those substitutes rooting and fighting from the bench Ne ee er ee ee Be Fema aay Sere Pepning, Yo ae so that they may turn over a lead to the substitutes. It crmanly thug fou nares owl io. ery one of the said they So I am passing i % on to you, one hundred per ; ) dibse nie. Dsl Aa wat be AIR Kuda ask Sk ae ht we are hoping for a visit from you two again real soone Our Id.ndest regards to the Kuhis. And oh yes, do not forget, our regards to the proprictor end frequenters of the palace of sweots, — call that sports center over theres “With al good wishes, I em Sineexely yours, FOAsAH Director of Physical Education and Recreations - an CLASS OF SERVICE | @ 12 SYMBOLS This is a full-rate DL=Day Letter Telegram or Cable- = unless wits de- NL=Night Letter erred character is in- { C=Deferred Cabl dicated by a suitable 30 7 Li ferred Cable symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter coding the address. NEWCOMB CARLTON J. SC. WILLEVER \ Ship Radiogram 7 CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD | FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDABED TIME at point of destination AAJ44 49 DL=B BEARDSTOWN ILL 18 845A ae a DR FORREST C ALLEN»VARSITY COACH UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS BASKET BALL TEAMFHOTEL TIGER DUE TO SNOW DRIFTS ICY ROADS AND POOR TRAIN CONNECTIONS FIND IT IMPOSSIBLE TO BE WITH YOU AND YOUR SQUAD TODAYs GIVE _ THEM A RAIN CHECK FOR MY PROMISED STEAK DINNERS PLEASE CONVEY TO THE BOYS MY MOST SINCERE REGRETS ALL | AM ASKING IS TO BEAT MISSOURI TONIGHT= | JOHNNY GLENNs A BIRTHDAY | TELEGRAM &£ MAY BE SENT ANYWHERE FO R Ont 25<1! — wna ¢ Vy Oe ‘4 UZ February 14, 1940. the papers around here, so I imagine it covered the comtry pretty generally. It was thoughtful of you to send it to mee. Missouri bobbed up last night with a victory j | z : +E at Ca hay Plea. abES3 ei bud lik $ ae F {q* ed tie i i 2 if 4 : _ I will write you very shortly in regard to the Netional Collegiate Basketball Championships of America which will be played in Kansas City; the semi-finals on March 22 and 2353 the finals on March 30. I am wondering if you are counting on making both of these attractions, or just the finals. I ~Le will write you in detail regarding the whole seteup within a very few days. “6 are starting for Stillwater tonight for what i am afraid will be a licking because we are not loolcing well at ell at the beginning of the semester. The kids are not in shape end they are coming up late with this excuse or thate So I an not expecting too much, but you lmow we might do something that would surprise us all. I notice you saw the Illinois-Nortiwestern gane in Champaign Monday nights It was a thriller. Write me and tell mé 11 about Illinois and the boys they will have back, | , With @11 good wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCALAH Varsity Basketball Coach. ICE PLANT OFFICE 710 EAST FOURTH ST, 65 TONS — DAILY CAPACITY ; TELEPHONE 51 GLENN ICE AND FUEL COMPANY BEARDSTOWN. ILLINOIS MANUFACTURED ICE FRANKLIN COUNTY AND SPRINGFIELD COAL GASOLINE FUEL OIL DISTILLATE BULK STATION AIR CONDITIONED ICE REFRIGERATORS COAL STOKERS OIL BURNERS January 31, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Varsity Besketball Coach University of Kensas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I have started to write you several times but due to the fact that I wasn't man enough to plow through the snow to see your team in action against Missouri, it elmost makes me feel ashamed of myself, thus my delay in writing to you is explained. I'm afraid the boys will think that I heve let them down) as never before hes the weather kept me from keeping an appointment such as I had planned with you months ahead. From your play by play descrintion of the Kansas-Missouri game, I can readily see that your team was not out-played on the evening of January 18, but it was Missouri's night and, therefore, I do not feel down hearted as the result of their victory over the KU squad on that night. You are right, you will give them a lesson on March l. During the past few months I have witnessed several high school basketball games in this vicinity and must frankly state that the teams that I have seen vlay two or three times during the current yeer are not showing their usual improvement due to the fact that the coaches in these parts have thrown away "“set-pleys" and in their place are now using whet I believe you term es “fire truck" basket- pall. dust last evening two of the nearby towns met in a battle in which no defense prevailed jon either team nor was there a "set-play" worked or even attempted. Sone of this blame should be on the coaches I realize, be- cause they do not seem to have adjusted themselves to the new rules as readily es they should have. Perhaps in a few years the coaches will have adjusted their style of play to the rules, however, to one who is accustomed to a high grade type of ball, the game will never be the same until they do. De 8 Ne ake Paar ease calle eG etek cee seth oe Dr. Forrest C. Allen -2- January 31, 1940 I would appreciate your writing me as to what plans you are making on the National Intercollegiate Basketball Tournament and also if there is anything that I can do in Beardstown in the meantime to help you out. I am counting @ great deal on being your assistang and, of re aaa I am more anxious to do the work than have the title. : Hardly a day goes by in the Glenn home when you and Mrs. Allen are not mentioned. We are still talking about our visit with your femily at Thanksgiving time and I only hope that you will be able to return to Beardstown short- ly efter this current basketball season is over. Please give my regards to Mrs. Allen, Eleanor and Bob. JHG/CK | LENN P.S. The boys at the Campus In/are also following the results of your team and only wish that you played some place in this vicinity so that they could have the op- portunity of seeing one of your quintets°in action. In- cidentally, I am planning on witnessing the Illinois- Northwestern game at Champaign on February 12. With Dutch!s bell team it seem as if another mediocre season 4s ahead for him. I only with that some day they would give him a chance to go out and get some boys that could play basketball instead of just wanting football players. If they don't it will, in all probability, break down Dutch's fine morale ss well as making his progress in life slower than it has been in previous years. : @aakes 23rd Title In 30 Years At Kansas U. JOHN _BUNN ADOLPH RUPP fil FROSTY COX STANFORD MENREKY Now DEAN OF MEN... COLOBADO.. UTCH LONBOBG NOBTHWESTERN 1... HESE TOPNOTCH JWTIORS AND MANY OTHERS LEARNED THE GAME UNDER VETERAN KANSAS TACTIC/AN... i DEAN OF AMEBICAN BASKETBALE COACHES SEEKS R38 TILE IN 3O YEABS..,, AND SPEARHEAD OF JAYHAWK ATTACK /S HIS YOUNGEST SON, BOB... : , nt Hi Wie fl #) i Hi tt ig He i ait fears “I an denving tonignt fey Haran, Oklahom, but before I I warted you to get this partial information so that you in mind for yous ve tf wo lost our game to Cllahons. that will put the Big six a threeemy tie (Missouri, Oklahom and Kansas), and - in this tie will be played off in Wichite, Kansas, on March 11 and oe ite ee Sacto cece om renee You will hear fran me i Longe With best wishes to you and Mrs,» Glémn, I am — Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FOAsAH ~*~ Varsity Basketbell Coach. ICE PLANT 65 TONS — DAILY CAPACITY. OFFICE 710 EAST FOURTH ST. TELEPHONE Si GLENN ICE AND FUEL COMPANY BEARDSTOWN, ILLINOIS MANUFACTURED ICE FRANKLIN COUNTY AND SPRINGFIELD COAL GASOLINE FUEL OIL DISTILLATE BULK STATION AIR CONDITIONED ICE REFRIGERATORS COAL STOKERS OIL BURNERS March 2, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kanses Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: During the vast few weeks since recéiving your incouiry, I have been quietly trying to find out how tough the Univer- sitv of Illinois basketball team will be next year on pap- er. I am listing below the members of the varsity squad siving their academic rank for next vears Seniors . Juniors Sovhomores Drish, John Evers, Walt Methisen Sachs, Henry Woukovits, Wes Driggs Shapiro, Harold Sherman, Rex Bergenson Richmond, Bob Gili, Scott Wallin Cronk, Harvie Milosevich, Paul O'Neil, Robert Hocking, Bill Evers, Eddie Sharyn, Bob With the exception of Mathisen, who is sure to be first team center next year there are no stand outs on this year's Freshman squad. I recently saw the Illini play the Wildcats in Champaign and I am of the opinion that vou will find the Huff Gymnasium an unsatisfactory place to bring your team since the crowd end "home grown" of- ficials sre hard to beat regardless of how good your team might be. Dutch had. en eleven point lead going into the Last twelve minutes of plav end due. to poor judgment in substituting’ plus the above mentioned factors, his team went down into defeat during the last fifty seconds of plav. : If you are anxious for Big Ten competition it would pro- bably be wise for you to select some other school rather than Tllinois. Colonel Rosow of Culver Military Academy was our over- night guest last Monday and needless to say we enjoyed him greatly. He was surprised to learn that we even had speaking acausintance with the great "Phog" Allen not to mention having stayed over night in your home. Incident- ally, he wanted to be remembered to the girls es they TERR TTS | Dr. Forrest GC. Allen - 2 - March 2, 1940 seem to have made = big hit with him. Somehow I received 4 conv of your Sixty and Six Basketball Brevities, with healthful hints to heed hereafter. I have read them over several times and I believe that every young boy from Junior High School un should have ® copy to carry with him as well es numerous coaches whose names I need not mention here. I am patiently waiting to hear from you regerding the set- up on the Nationel Collegiate Besketball Championships of America. We are extremely busy at the present time get- ting our ice dealer organization ready for spring combin- ed with the soliciting of orders in the country from the farmer in our Petroleum Products division, but I am still counting on laying aside a few days so that I can be of service to you. JHG/CK June 11, 1940. ‘ at naling that the doing a aii of so very happy malcing requires hours exaninati f but it over necessi to you, Job on his hands in been might you sales cox porn’ utili : John got through in his work and I en he has a terrific dence eovt 465 At ; ates Of oo if Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation, Varsity Rasketbali C { PoC oho give Joln my kindest regards. i“ PeSe dnd say, et FCA salt { | Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coache : i 8 iy Mire Ralph Be Graber, Liberty Memoria figh School, » Kansase Dear Relph: Ha i} oe. “eo pa re May 24, 1940. . Mire Wade Green, @nd it seems as if most of the alumi were. However, I do “Well, it seems pretty good to have old Elwyn back in our courtrys I had a nice visit with him at the ig Six Veet and he is just as fine and aggressive as evere lie and Mrse Dees are very happy in thet Mrs. Dees ia a Nebrasia girl and Elwm has forms in this vicinity, so they all seen Mado, 1 an not ocmpotent to i is ces dete om this question you eske I/would have hardly recommended _ that you go to the Geonge Vashington Iaw School, but with "and I do not believe that this will ease up at all 4f Iitler _winse We will prepare and arm to the teeth. I do not look for war, but no one can tell. I believe I would wait until ? next fall to enter school, if I were yous Don’t you worry, Wade, I'll bet you a doller if you get that sumer training you will be a pretty doggone good | officers Viade, I believe I would wait a while anyhow, until Again I say, Wade, you are your own man and you are going to have to make your owm decision, but if 1 were you et ene Ve S8. ee AiW Ros © Nene ann” count his time his OWN . Wishing you lots of good luck and thanking you for your kind words regarding the basketball is tot 18 ite saat I am | : 4 _, Sincerely yours, — e ee ee | Director of Physical duoattion and Reereation, Pas... Wened ty BawlonttaRd Copa 2123 Eye St. N.W. Washington D.C. May 16, 1940 Dear Doc. I was very glad to see your basketball team come out so weal. I know that you had a fine bunch of boys to work with,but I also know that if it were not for your coaching and handling of men it would have been just another team. How does it feel to have Dees working against you again. It seems he is Sent on seeing you get beat. I was pleased to have him get that job. Although he did not say so I could tell by his letter that he was glad to leave the East, I had planned to be in Lawrence in time to see the Big Six track meet, but we got rushed with work and all annual leave was canceled until after June 30. Doc. as always I am in need of a little advice. I don't like to Waste my time and I am not saving any money ,so 1 have planned on going to Geo. Town Law School. ‘there is one Question that is bothering me. THE WAR. I have my commission in the R.O.T.C. and should go to camp this summer. I owe my country somthing, yet I would like to get this law training befor I get out of the mood. ‘the question is should 1 go to summer school or should I wait until next fall. I would'nt want to trust my self to a leader that did'nt know agy moreabout war fare then I do. Do you think we will was tute the war. | think that an older man can think a lot more clearly on a subject like this. I am very much up a tree Doc. and would like very much to have your opinion. Give my regards to Squat when you see him, and to some of the other people in the K,U. Athletic dept. Your basketball team gave us K,U. boys somthing to brag about and may be you think we did'nt any time we got a chance. You can tellthe boys we surly appreciate the good work. Sincerely yours Wate Noverber 1, 1 937. S02 8, Honroe, Harlingen, Texas, Dear Gord: Thank you very much for your good letter of the 25th ultimo, enclosing money order for $40,00 which entirely takes care of your financial — obligation with mm, | Concerning basketbell, I am afraid that we do not have prospects for another champion- ship basketball season. Two years ago we lost Ebling, Kappelman, and Milton Allen from the ever-victorious outfit. Last year we lost Noble, Rogers, Wellhausen, and Holliday from the tied championship team, That isaves but 6 from the eight stars of the two years. Ye were very fortunate last year to come through with a tied championship, I thought. Ckleshoma and Kansas are the two schools that iost four out of their five regulars. The Aggies lost Groves, but they have all the rest of the team back, And fievrasia Ost Sorenson, but they have Parsons, their star guard who-is a senior, al with the other seniors ~ Amend, Dorman, ee aoe foot center, and other fellows. “heir team is s a with seniors. They should clean up because last year they had some exceptional talent coming up. _ We, of course, will make a fight out of it, because any time you have 2 boy like Pred Pralle as &@ regular on which to build you should not fecl down- east. However, we do have too many inexperieneed men to compete with Nebraska. Missouri and Iowa State, as well as Kansas State, have a good chance to go far, Answering your ing regarding the new book, it certainly should be out in less than a month, We have finished the last reading of the proof of the book and now I am expecting them to put it toe ~ ether in fine atydes It is going to be a dandy, Gord. By far the best t 2 have ever had anything to do W. ° The book will sell for $4,00, and MeGraweHill Book Company, of New York, are publishing it. We get a small royalty on each book, and they have the entire sale, However, if you would like for me to autograph one for you, af you will send me a check for $4,00 I will get one and autograph it and mail it to you. I would like to write something in the front that would express to feotipa very fine feeling toward you and appreciation of your efforts for three years on the Kansas varsity. I notice that you are enjoying your work in the valley more this year than you did last, That is a fine symptom and we will keep @ weather eye on you for the future, I know that we will have in<- quiries with our new ical Education seteup, Do ee have any thing definite in mind regarding the ocation? ould you like to get back in Kansas, or in the Kansas City, “Missouri, or Kansas City, Kansas, public schools? After a fellow has served an apprene ticeship of two years in teaching which he can charge up to experience he should then be in & position to go forward, Let me hear what your desires are, . I will also be happy to learn that with your five regular men back you expect to charge down the championship road with great force, - the football team just returned this morning from “Michigan State where everybody feels they made a very good showing, However, they have a tough assignient next Saturday with Nebraska, and I am of the opinion that they are not too optimistic, elthough there seems te be quite a bit of confidence regerding at renner of the team to match the Huskers point for PpOLnt, | | With every good wish, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education. ‘Harlingen, Texag ‘Get. 25th. 1957 Dr. Forrest ¢C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doe: I do hope you will overlook my delay in writing you. I intended writing sooner but several things came — up and it was impossible to do so. Enclosed you will find a money order for $ 40.00 which I think will take eare of my debt to you. At least ag far as money matters are concerned. If this isn't right let me know and I will fix it right up. I really appreciate this favor a lot and if I can ever do anything to help you in any way feel free to let me know of it. How are things shaping up this year for you? What ee are the prospects for another championship basket team? I will be following the progress of the team throughout the season and I hope you rock em and sock em. ie . {hat must have been quite a victory for K. U. over Oklahoma. I sure wag glad to hear of it. I saw where &blings' brother played an important part in the victory. He should make you a pretty good man shouldn't he? . I am enjoying this year in the valley moreso than I did last year. ‘they really do play a good brand of high school football down here. We have a nice team this year and expect them to go pretty far. We really could stand more experience at tackle; but we have a couple of good, big husky boys and they are beginning to learn what it is all about. I am going to start basket ball in about two weeks. I will have a little more to start with this year than I did last year. I have five lettermen back as compared to one last year. We went to the state meet last season; but it will be a long hard road to get that far this time. I will have a starting team that will average around 6' or 6'1"“. But the kids down here are so inexperienced and require a lot of work on. I plan on staying here over Christmas vacation and practice every day. My folks are coming down again this winter to spend the holidays with me. | Eh ns ea ya ec meter Ss bola tater ey ia Se Pei a Se as os aia oo ape aes Bo a A EAN ep RN dgaopeelanss “a 9 W By the way have you finished your new book? I would like _to get a copy of it if you have. Write me and let me know what the price is and I will send it to you. — Must close now and do a little studying for tomorrows classes. ‘Trusting you are well and that I hear from you in the near future I an, 3 Te tng. 302 HE. Monroe : Apt. #5 P.S. Remember me to your family Harlingen, lexas also Mrs. Webster. FOUNDED 1855 ON MAIN AT TENTH KANSAS CITY, MO. ve } Se m rm ) ct Nh 4+ \ occr ee Ut & re Vz © } ~ v OO OOOO OOOO OOOO OQYOGOO GOOGLE 2 THE TEACHERS AND EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS = 3) LAWRENCE, KANSAS S SS @ ) S 2 To Our Uninsured Members: | ~~ = a S The Teachers and Employees Association of the University of S 6) || Kansas made available a plan ef Group Life Insurance for the benefit of its | S S) || members and their dependents on May 16, 1928. The value of this protection | S e has been proven inasmuch as more than $33,000 has been paid in benefits. | iG, os These payments filled a great need. SS A = oy Under this plan our group is divided into five ¢lasses, and the so o members in each class contribute a certain amount per month ranging from MS 2 || $1.00 to $5.00. The amount of insurance will be that which the set contri- <5 2 bution will purchase in accordance with the regular monthly premium rate ~, S at the member's attained age. The amomt of insurance will change from <9 oy year to year as the member advances in age, but his contribution will re- ©. 22 || main the same. Each member will pay for only his owm insurance, end will So = receive full value for his contribution. E 3) ‘ NSC oe You did not apply for the insurance within the time limit to so a secure it without medical examination, possibly for some reason beyond your _ Ss o control. In the belief that you might now welcome an opportunity to sub< — ~ || Scribe, we are pleased to announce that we have arranged with The Equitable = % || Life Assurance Society of the United States to waive this requirement for a = ~ || period of two weeks commencing November 1, 1939 during which time you may oe 5 subscribe without medical examination. = This insurance is for your sole benefit and that of your dependents. < || 1 know that you wish to acquire as much personal protection as possible and < || for that reason I recommend that you fill out the Acceptance ecard which will be || presented to you and turn it in without delay- Tho plan has our full endorse~ x ment and we would like to see every eligible member become insured thereunder. > ze Sincerely yours, ; = Teachers and Employees Association > of the University of Kansas = -KARL KLO00Z & Secretary ~ Treasurer &) @ WHORLS EGEESeeee GeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeSeeeeeees GR. 222A-39-4 spe cer eres am ce a =a — DETAILS OF THE PLAN 1. AMOUNTS OF INSURANCE AND COST TO MEMBERS: For the purpose of this contract members shall be classified according to their respective occupations with the University of Kansas in accordance with the following table: MONTHLY CONTRIBUTION CLASS OCCUPATION PER MEMBER 1 Assistants, Technicians, Building and Ground Employees $1.00 2 Assistant Instructors, Secretaries, Stenographers and Clerks $1.50 3 Assistant Administrative Officers, Supervisors, Assistant Professors, and Instructors $2.00 4 Professors and Associate Professors $3.00 5 Administrative Officers and Heads of Divisions and Departments $5.00 TABLE OF AMOUNTS OF INSURANCE REDUCING YEARLY Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Age 1 2 3 4 5 Age 1 2 3 & 5 15 $2128 $3192 $4256 $6384 $10,640 48 $971 $1457 $1942 $2913 $4855 16 2128 3192 4256 6384 10,640 49 901 1352 1802 2703 4505 17 2083 3124 4166 6249 10,415 50 847 1271 1694 2541 4235 18 2083 3125 4166 6249 10,415 51 787 1181 1574 2361 $935 19 . 2041 3062 . 4082 6123 .10,205 652 735 1103 1470 2205 3675 20 2000 3000 4000 6000 10,000 53 680 1020 1360 2040 3400 21 1961;..2042 .3922......5883 9,805 54 633 950 1266 1899 3165 ee 1923 2885 3846 5769 9,615 55 585 878 1170 1755 2925 23 1887 2831 38774 5661 9,435 56 543 815 1086 1629 2715 24 1887 2831 3774 5661 9,435 57 503 755 1006 1509 2515 25 1852. .2778 3704. . 5556 9,260 58 465 698 930 1895 2825 26 1852 2778 3704 £5556 9,260 59 429 644 858 1287 2145 27 1818 2727 $636 5454 9090..... 60 397 596 704 .«1lg2 1985 28 1818 2727 3636 5454 94090....G4 366 549 732 1098 1830 29 1818... 2727....3636 .. 5454 9,090 - 62 338 507 676 1014 1690 30 1818 2727 3636 5454 9,090 oF 312 468 624 936 1560 S31 1818 2727 3636 5454 9,090 64 288 432 576 864 1440 Se 1786. 2679 . 3572.....5358 8,930 65 266 599 532 798 1330 535 1766 .2679 © 3572 ..5358 8,930 66 246 369 492 738 1230 564 1754 2651 3508 5262 8,770 - 67 226 539 452 678 1130 35 1724 2586 3448 5172 8,620 68 209 514 418 627 1045 56 1695 2543 3390 5085 8,475 69 193 290 386 979 965 of i639 c459 Se76 4917 Spsav 19 178 267 556 534 890 58 1587 2381 8174 4761 7,955 = 7, 165 248 330 495 825 59 1538 2307 3076 4614 %e699;:- Te 152 228 304 456 760 40 1493 2240 2986 4479 7,465 73 141 212 282 423 705 41 1429 2144 2858 4287 7,145 74 130 195 260 390 650 42 13513 2027 2702 4053 6,7op 7% 120 180 240 560 600 45 1299 .1949 . 2598 . 3897 6,495 76 iil 167 222 535 555 44 1235 1853 2470 3705 6.140, 77 103 155 206 509 515 45 1165 1745 2326 3489 vous 878 96 144 192 288 480 46 i099 1662.. .2198... 3297 5,495 79 88 132 176 264 440 47 .1031. 1647 “<0ce. 3095 5,155 80 82 123 164 246 410 —— wae It is expected that this Table of Amounts will remain in effect indefinitely, but it is subject to change in the event of claim experience unsatisfactory to the Equitable. The initial amount of insurance for each member shall be determined in accordance with this Table, based on his occupational classification and his age (nearest birthday) as of the June 16th nearest to the date his coverage is to become effective. The amount of insurance so determined for any member shall be changed as of June 16th of each succeeding year to an amount determined in accordance with the Table by his then attained age (nearest birthday) and occupational classification, It will be necessary for you to enter only the class for which you are eligible, and contribute the amount of premium thus determined. Changes in amounts of insurance, and amounts of contribution therefor, due to transfer from one occupational class to another will be made automatically as of the date of transfer. Increases in amounts of insurance due to transfer to a higher occupational classi+ fication will be made only if you are actively at work on the date you would otherwise be eligible for the increase; if you are not then actively at work, the increase will be mado upon your return to active service. 2. ELIGIBILITY: Our plan provides that you may become insured without medical examination if application is made within 31 days of the date of entering active service, After that time a medical examination at your expense is ordinarily required. However, as you did not apply for this insurance during the usual period of eli« gibility you may enter the plan under the medical waiver privilege provided (a) you are under age 60 (b) you have been actively at work and in good health for a period of 60 days preceding the date you subscribe, and (c) you have not been previously declined by the Equitable because of physical condition. The insurance will become effective on the date you sign your card, provided at least one-half of the uninsured eligible members subscribe during the two weeks period, Members employed in the School of Medicine and the Bell Memorial Hospital located in Kansas City, Kansas, except Members of the Faculty, Administrative Officers, Clerks, Supervisors, Department Heads and Assistants in the School of Medicine, are not eligible for insurance under this plan, 3. BENEFITS: a. LIFE INSURANCE: In the event of your death from any cause while your insurance is in force, the amount of the insurance is payable to your named beneficiary. be. TOTAL AND PERMANENT DISABILITY BENEFIT: If you become totally and permanently disabled through either sickness or accident, while you are insured under the plan and before you reach the age of sixty, your Group Life Insurance will terminate and, in place of such Life Insurance, the amount in force at the time the disability begins will be payable to you in monthly instalments of not less than $50 per month during the continuance of such disability, upon receipt by the Equitable of proof of disability before the expiration of one year from the date of its commencement, 4. BENEFICIARY: You name your own beneficiary and may at any time change the beneficiary upon written notice to the Equitable through the Association, upon a form provided for this purpose. 5, TERMINATION OF INSURANCE AND CONVERSION PRIVILEGE: Your insurance automati- cally terminates upon termination of your membership in the Association, or upon your ceasing to follow the occupation of teacher or employee in the University of Kansas. But, upon application to the Equitable Life Assurance Society within thirty-one days after such termination, you shall be entitled to have issued to you, without medical examination, a policy of Life Insurance in any one of the forms customarily issued by the Equitable (except term insurance), in an amount, at your discretion, equal to or less than the amount of your protection under the Group Plan, upon the payment of the premium applicable to the class of risk to which you belong and to your age at the time of conversion. 6. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE: A Certificate of Insurance will be issued to each member insured under the plan. It will show the Table of Amounts of Insurance as shown in this letter and from this table you will, at any time, be able to determine the amount of your coverage,