De 8 Ne ake Paar ease calle eG etek cee seth oe Dr. Forrest C. Allen -2- January 31, 1940 I would appreciate your writing me as to what plans you are making on the National Intercollegiate Basketball Tournament and also if there is anything that I can do in Beardstown in the meantime to help you out. I am counting @ great deal on being your assistang and, of re aaa I am more anxious to do the work than have the title. : Hardly a day goes by in the Glenn home when you and Mrs. Allen are not mentioned. We are still talking about our visit with your femily at Thanksgiving time and I only hope that you will be able to return to Beardstown short- ly efter this current basketball season is over. Please give my regards to Mrs. Allen, Eleanor and Bob. JHG/CK | LENN P.S. The boys at the Campus In/are also following the results of your team and only wish that you played some place in this vicinity so that they could have the op- portunity of seeing one of your quintets°in action. In- cidentally, I am planning on witnessing the Illinois- Northwestern game at Champaign on February 12. With Dutch!s bell team it seem as if another mediocre season 4s ahead for him. I only with that some day they would give him a chance to go out and get some boys that could play basketball instead of just wanting football players. If they don't it will, in all probability, break down Dutch's fine morale ss well as making his progress in life slower than it has been in previous years.