Septanbur 14, 19396 good year, and with Maieet ‘ely yours, rApestar of eal Education an you still ow © 22) of (ede abouts cane do not ) som I em afveid I on going to Hening the you will heve a Me Joe Varian Nporia, Kansate Dens Joos Sonate Gente you @ mmber of do not tale ee the way you i oe t» mt 20h te pretty regards, = aa PCASAH : Septeriber 14, 1959~ Coniially yours, | ‘Diyector of Physier] Mdusetion and Reorestion, Varsity Daskettell Coathe Owen Carl MONTHLY STATEMENT 9 905 MASS. ST. : PHONE 251 GOOD CLOTHES Lawrence, Kansas, %, He Gye All Accounts Payable Monthly a Rae Owen Carl MONTHLY STATEMENT 9 * 905 MASS. ST. : PHONE 251 GOOD CLOTHES Lawrence, Kansas, ; /, All Accounts Payable Monthly Be OWEN<«CARL LAWRENGE, KANSAS Sor — i ee ‘ - g jh Hg HR sega af aia ik i ‘ f if! festa ih listise fg sti eh ae euisy a H , pty ls é i sale i 3 4 : : ue He i j Pod Mt Me We i q uu q | Ati fhe Gil : ‘all uu t4 Dre Allan; <= In order that we may send the credentials. for this young man on a special mission at the earliest possible moment, will you kindly rush your report by return mail? Thank you. Ray Ce Maul Director, Placement Bureau Teachers College, Emporia, Ks. EXTENSION DIVISION OFFICE OF TEACHER PLACEMENT BUREAU TEACHERS COLLEGE, EMPORIA To........Dre...Ferrest..Allen, (TOES rece tec meeminre University of Kansas, per, fees. Date sent........ Pete By 1040... Needed on or before....... PLEASE..RUSH......000020.. Date retire a ee physical educe....Min:..soc...scie.......... has enrolled with the Teacher Placement Bureau in order to secure such a place. Please indicate by check below and by a paragraph of comment the rating you would give the candidate. This report is strictly confidential and will be shown only to superintendents or other school officials who may consider this candidate for a position. The letters E G M F P stand for Excellent, Good, Medium, Fair and Poor. Please check or underscore the letter which in your judgment represents the standing of the candidate in each factor. PHYSICAL FACTORS: Personal appearance .............. EGMFP Persetial WAG 6. a eo eee eos EGMFP Se as a Sk EGMFP What physical defects, if any?...............-.-.-.--.------------ INTELLECTUAL FACTORS: Nate ate ws 6s ies ss BEM EF BONGIETSAID co since vo 65 abe 0 5 cee EGMFP Capacity for growth... ............ EGMFP SOCIAL FACTORS: Soc! UisDOsAOR 26.0. see cca es EGMFP POST os cae 6S A ee es es es EGMFP Coramunity interest ........0.6..... EGMFP TEACHING FACTORS: Vee OF og Si eiee ceases EGMFP Insight into school problems........ EGMFP Preparation and presentation of WEAR ek co ee LGM. Interest on part of pupils.......... EGMFP PROTOURIIIORE 2a bs ics cs oo ode oe EGMFP MORAL FACTORS: TC os os 5s oS EGMFP Per Oe) ce is EGMFP Pa) OOS oe. 5 iis EGM FP Sense of responsibility ............. EGMFP EXECUTIVE FACTORS: ie oe HGM FP? TS on ae So cas bee ences EGMFP II es oo i Se EGMFP WOR ce ei else ass oss kash nee snes EG aM FP TEMPERAMENTAL FACTORS: PGR aos sk os oe eS, EGMFP 5 eo es hs es EGM YFP PERSONALITY (general) ..........% EGM ¥ P Please use the space below for a carefully written paragraph based on your acquaintance and observation, stating just what you think this office should say of the above candidate. Re ee ee ee OOH a ee ee ee (Use back of this sheet for adverse report or for information intended for this office only.) 17-2250 12-37—5M OR, Hg del GE | link ae aut Ht li a | i pt tf of : Hy in iti ti H i HF ce ute | i ¢ 94 i i ea | i We i tt Hi FOAs AH é § i aii it Hated & a THE KANSAS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE : THOS: W. BUTCHER, PRESIDENT ' EMPORIA HEAD OF DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND gg Feta lige PL. 4 RODE NAG OA ORES But Mgt tha pect 3S proce go bat LY hawk Carbs prod Hf Gogo eel ) Cane bo Mite ek a fen SY few Ke Bay Bf deride, Ano ak ap te DS ak ask Ie SE PER AES Aon x cancel 540 Park Avenue, Dear lire. Giemnangelo: Your letter of February 21 has just been reosived. Joe ‘began his account with Carl's in July, 1936. On Ja:wary 1, 1937, he owed then $5.50, and in July, 1958, he paid $3.00 on this bill. That left a balance of $2.50 which has not been paid to dates In June, 1987, Frank charged en aceoumt with Carl's for &e50, which has never been paid.s ‘Nou'tens ten tay thie Ghakign neeonert Spak 26 ten teen Ber Geo long for either ame of these boys to owe debts to the Carl brothers. They let the boys have the material because they were athletes and they felt they were all righte frank, of course, wont to Bethany College, but it wae through Joo's influence that the charge account wes midee Carl's spoke to mo about the debts, and I have written a ee en : sis bis atti endaiinnd eil n oh win thin | at the University of Yansns, Ne is at the Teachers College at Enporia, Kenens, getting hie tenching works - I wrote ir. Fran the athletic directer at Bavoria, and got Joe this job so thet he could sraduate. My patience ws just about exhausted. | Sia hdtine Gish taoas exh Cay cathe ov ms tein ox Oa dae Se ‘cal th tale elas tay Roehtes Gane don Se cues Ghia "eat ake fellow cen wit", and I have been trying to awaken Joe to his res- ponsibilities. You san rest assured that I i will help Joe and any — other worthy young man te help himself, but when you begin to presume Se ee ee ee ee eee ee It is always a pleasure to hear | from you, and if at any time I ean do a Idindness or a favor it will be a pleasures _ Gerl's address is merely Lawrence, Kensase ‘The town is small enough so tet they are well mows Very sincerely yours, Mxector of Physical Education and Reoreation, PUAS AH = Varsity Basketball Coach. rovlwthkht he Qe Creech) GH. Qlhens Y Bll 5 FLOGZE ttt tt7ta lo A y f 2A LA ile Lie ha ‘s e Ss o- : tp. LA iS i Vy A ‘ , j 4 ( SL AL ( A Late LO 1{7)-€ Z ae 2 : aa 4H / : i fee lee the? , rege 4 CAPLALQ2AWH OY is P14 _ a ithyan, bigs ~ Recreation, eit ae a tan 1 af ine ve anh i i ue et By ti Hf chime 5, 1940. i Director of Physical Miueation and Varsity Basketiall Conche go in ey ie “i! es Hit 3 ; | 32 7 | (Ny qe A in i ha | H ii i rl [ 3 fa aa ii F | l jal ss 1 iat Ha alt i i’ a it " el oy Hi 1 ' | a a Aa yo October 3, 1939. E a Fe § 3 g of a g : of flu on the campuse Confidentielly, when Joha had his physics] examination his tubereulin test showed positive, although the x-ray of his lumgs showed up ell right. I wuldn"t mention this to his folks because it might worry then, tut I wanted you to Imow about ite John has never had shots for typhoid, either, He 4s receiving very good care at the hospitel end Mrs. Allen is goine to ses him.this afternoons She will write Mrs. Glen 221 about it. If you wuld drop Jom a note I know it would cheer him upe He is in room 206 Yatiins Menorial Hospital, University of Kensase With best wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FOASAT Varsity Basketball Coache ICE PLANT 65 TONS - DAILY CAPACITY See eT aL apuer ate ST. GLENN ICE AND FUEL COMPANY BEARDSTOWN. ILLINOIS September 25, 19359 MANUFACTURED ICE Dr. Forrest C. Allen Varsity Basketball Coach ae University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas FRANKLIN COUNTY Dear Dr. Allen: AND SPRINGFIELD Upon my arrival home this morning from a business trip to Duluth I found your most interesting letter of the 20th a- COAL waiting me. It is indeed a pleasure to know that John Buescher has pleasant home surroundings in Lawrence as I believe it will go a long wey in keeping him in the right company for athletic competition. : ~ GASOLINE In regard to youn John Musgrove whom I sent to Boulder FUEL OIL last year I'm sorry to state that I have been unable to get any information concerning his grades in the third DISTILLATE quarter from either John or his father, however, I do know that after some waiting on this end he received a letter BULK STATION from the Dean informing him that he would be able to re- turn for his second year. As for his being eligible for competition it is a mystery, since his work the first quarter was not satisfactory along the academic lines and as he did-not attend summer school I am at a loss to know AIR CONDITIONED how he can play basketball for the University of Colorado ICE during the first part of the season with minus credits. REFRIGERATORS I was sorry to learn that Frosty Cox was acting up in matriculating ethletes in the immediate vicinity of Law- —— rence. It reminded me of the fact that this action should have taken place when he was your assistant instead of knifing you efter you were so good to recommend him as COAL varsity coach in his first position. However, with your / STOKERS outstanding record with good and poor material I would not let Frosty worry you at this stage in life as I am sure . thet in the future you will get your share of victories oe the fair way. 7 OIL BURNERS Again, I went to thank you and Mrs. Allen and Jane for the y 2 splendid cooperation that you have given me in aiding John 4° \\ a Buescher to attend the University of Kansas this year; in- | | oe We, by Cidentelly, John mentioned that fact that he was homesick x and I suggested that he see you at your office several times during the week as you mean so much to him and your presence coe +, AL a 49 will aid him greetay + Se Sure. | CO / ee a 2 : C, 5 3 hr be A way PS f & 4, “ ; eg : ae ‘ a jo ww i oP cil : & we Cem gD or? ) : Le hawt } Ry fat & #. & ae =~ te o8 oS ee ae cof 7 November 15, 19390 Glenn Ice and Fuel Company, 7 Beardstown, Tl linoise Dear Johnny: litte John He Glem, Analg fen ploges is) eel 3 iit yes fa Gy it a5 83 He Regist tok Han re i at i ae haul ag GH ds Ri fae gE pede qu bean ie Hs : : HE iaind ie asd ak | aes if ne i ie {i3P! =f : , fuga tbe | [qn 7 bake “t Hi f 3 baat! § 5 Ateety a gait FI Paub thie 0g | iiaett tie H 3 stb apts dds | sii i i 5. + ay (ee: jij deh ae i : 3 : j li ip tii ited § a atlple f ing al 2 a He R Eiiia a i : ICE PLANT 65 TONS - DAILY CAPACITY OFFICE 710 EAST FOURTH ST. TELEPHONE 51 GLENN ICE AND FUEL COMPANY BEARDSTOWN, ILLINOIS MANUFACTURED ICE FRANKLIN COUNTY AND SPRINGFIELD COAL GASOLINE FUEL OIL DISTILLATE BULK STATION AIR CONDITIONED ICE _ REFRIGERATORS COAL STOKERS OIL BURNERS November 6, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens: I have purposely delayed answering your kind letter of Oct- ober 21, in which you invited mother and me to be your guests at the Missouri-Kansas game to be played on Saturday, Nov- ember 25, so that I might answer in an affirmative fashion end also in detail. Our plan at present is to leave here on Friday morning, November 24, in time to reach Lawrence in the afternoon of that day around 2 P.M. in order to attend the freshmen and varsity basketball practices. In this way we will not only get to see the battle between Chrisman and the Jay-_ . hawkers but it will also afford me an opportunity to watch one of your practice sessions which I have never had the privilege of attending before. Your description of the ball given by Flsa Maxwell sounded very interesting. However, you needn't plan any social activities for me along those formal lines «s we here in Beardstown are accustomed only to eating, sleeping, and hard work, consequently, any other activity that you might have us indulge in will throw us off schedule and might make us discontented here in Beardstown in the future. You might tell John Buescher about our coming so that he ean arrange to keep out of the hospital those few days and also so I can see if he has shown any improvement with his back-board game, shots from the side as well as improving his foot work. It has always been my impression that in the winter Law- rence was the Capitol of =he nation in regard to basket- ‘ball and in the spring the center of track activity with your own Kansas Relays, however, it seems as if your city 4s the center of activity during every season of the year as our local papers have been full of the recent corn- husking contest which was held there November 3 of this year. With bang-boarding, back-boarding and relays you are certainly fortunate to have such diversification bey ICE PLANT 65 TONS - DAILY CAPACITY GLENN ICE AND FUEL COMPANY BEARDSTOWN. ILLINOIS OFFICE 710 EAST FOURTH ST. TELEPHONE $51 JAdinadbite Tie aie AE eS MANUFACTURED ICE FRANKLIN COUNTY AND SPRINGFIELD COAL GASOLINE FUEL OIL DISTILLATE BULK STATION AIR CONDITIONED ICE REFRIGERATORS COAL STOKERS OIL BURNERS Dr. Forrest C. Allen of entertainment in your own front yard. November 6, 1939 I am looking forward with a great deal of pleasure to our approaching visit with vou and Mrs. Allen and I am arrang- ing my business accordingly. sonal regards to your entire family. JHG/CK incenely, HN H. / GLEAN Please give my kindest per- _ November 22, 19594 Beardstom, Tllinois. Dear Johns We are sending some dope from the Jaily Kansan regarding the feme that you have created a your behalf. The sport writer has a good imagimtion when he states that "Dutch" Lonborg trought you to sey helle to me. Sut you mow there is a certain writers’ freedom tat is never questioned. I em still gently werning, but I am afraid John Sueschor will be ineligible for the game Friday nighte You see, his basketball skills are highly developed, and he is ming a neme for himself. We believe when he really gets strunz out and learns how to study that he is going to make a good boy bee cause hs is honest and really tries, but his background has not been sufficient. However, I have seen a lot of boys with no better backcround, but who | had an honest purpose lile John has, and they achieved ven eee We are hoping this for Johns _ 2 Imow it will be disappointing to him not to be able to perform for you, but maybe there will be a next times Really, we are eagerly awmniting the caning of . you and your good mother. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache ICE PLANT 65 TONS - DAILY CAPACITY OFFICE 710 EAST FOURTH ST. TELEPHONE 31 GLENN ICE AND FUEL COMPANY BEARDSTOWN, ILLINOIS MANUFACTURED ICE FRANKLIN COUNTY AND SPRINGFIELD COAL GASOLINE FUEL OIL DISTILLATE BULK STATION AIR CONDITIONED ICE REFRIGERATORS COAL STOKERS OIL BURNERS November 28, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Varsity Basketball Coach University of Keanses Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Arriving home Sunday night at 8:30 after viewing the Corps at the Militery Academy at Lexington, Missouri, and having dinner at Quincy, things ere now beginning to get back to normal, as the old pair of corduroys, flannel shirt, and Francis Schmitt's bow tie are now in vogue here at the off- ice. Needless to sav, you and Mrs. fllen gave us a marvelous week end and one which we will long remember. It was a great thrill to see John Buescher in action on Friday night again- st the Varsity, and my sincere hope is that John can pay dividends for you during the next three years at K. U. I have just had a visit with Mr. Virgil Reither, Sport's Editor of the Illinoian Star, the local daily newspaper, concerning my trip to Lawrence and elso in regard to your work with the members of your department as well 4s your new game “goal-hi", Mr. Reither has, for e long period of years,. been an admirer of yours and would appreciate it if you would put his newspaper on the mailing list of your Sports Publicity Department so that he might feature news items and place newspaper cuts of your athletes in his paper if vou so desire. Frankly, I wes much pleased with the fine physical condition that you were in during this l