Williamsport, Fa., Wednesday May 3, 1939 Dear Noble Allen ;: Just a brief note to express my aprreciation for your friend- liness and hospitality during the recent rules meeting in New York City. I want to assure you that your interest made the meeting much more pleasant for me. Still a little tired tonight . Drove home hurriedly lsst night and spent a long day at the office getting readjusted . Had an invi- tation to speak at Jamestown, N.Y. Thursday night, but had to reject it because of all these other things. Expect to go to Hershey, Pa., for state YMCA meeting to file renort as state basketb 11 commissioner. Prepared a four-page report on that late today . My appointment still is a little indefinite. Beyond assignment to the recent meeting, I do not know just what my status is. I do hope it holds good for next year so we can talk over rules etc., at Kansas City . Hope your return journey was pleasant. I must try to regain a little sleep soon. I've been on the run since the middle of Mareh with state =nd national YMCA tournament matters. Guess I'll have to go to Ocean City, N.J., for a couple weeks to rest a while about June l. Did you understand that a player fouled (late) and awarded two free throws could choose to Shoot the PERST ONE and take the SECOND ONE out-of-bounds? Tha t 's Mr. Tower's interpretation to the press. I understood if he chose to shoot th first one, he lost the out-of-bounds option on the second. Would appreciate a reply at your conveniénce, please. neerely,, mM. Mah --M. Good, News Editor, Sun.