BOARD OF EDUCATION PRINCIPALS Lee BOWMAN, PRESIDENT SIKESTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS pee HARRY E. DUDLEY, 1st VICE PRESIDENT C. D. MATTHEWS, [1], 2ND VICE PRESIDENT R. A. HARPER, SUPERINTENDENT T. E, STALLINGS R. E. BAILEY, SECRETARY Jos. L. MATTHEWS, TREASURER . SIKESTON, MISSOURI SOUTH GRADE SCHOOL Miss DOROTHEA MILLER TANNER C. DYE A, J. RENNER February 10 ‘ 1939 BAILEY GRADE SCHOOL W. H. SIKES Mr. Forrest C. Allen Athletic Director University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: Four years ago this spring you were at the Teachers College in Maryville, Missouri to give an address during an assembly. I asked you to look at a knee I had injured the year before. You adjusted my hip to the best of my recol-~ lection, and told me that my knee would be all right. Since that time, I have had no difficulty with my knee whatsoever. So you see, I am very much a4 be- liever in you and your work. Briefly, I am coaching here at the High School for my second year. I have a boy with an injured knee, which seems to be a similar injury to the one I had. He says it feels like a ligament slipping over into a crevice, on the inside part of his left kee. It seems to happen when the foot is placed on the floor and a sudden turn or pivot causes the catching or slipping. I have taken him to an Osteopath here. But I cannot convince him that the kind of treatment the boy needs is of the type you performed on me. He only heats his knee with an electrical device and tells him to stay off of it. From what you said about knee injuries that day in Maryville, I am sure that he is not getting at the source of the injury. In my ignorance of Osteopathy, I did not feel that I had the right in try- ing to treat him as I felt he should be. But the last time, the fourth time his knee has caught, I perused my copy of your "Basketball Bible”, which I have had for several years, and recalled to memory as much as possible of what you did to me and proceeded to go to work. His knee did not swell and has returned to normal use much faster than ever before. He feels like it is nearer normal than it ever has been. He wants to play Basketball and I need him on my team for his influence on and off the court. Do you think it would harm his knee to use him? When you play in Columbia, would it be possible if I were to bring him there, for you to spend a few minutes and look at his knee and hip? Where can I procure your latest "Basketball" Book? Your first book was well named. It has truly been a "Bible™ to me as I have used it daily during the two seasons I have been coaching. _ } Sincerely yours, Carl V. Green, Jr. (