2M 7-22-37 CPC ao, Ottawa High Schoul PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE Ottxwa, Ransaz October 18, 1938 Doctor Forrest C. Allen Director Physical Education Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I am in receipt of your inquiry of October 15. Our electric score board was built for the most part by one of our senior boys, under the direction of Mr. L. C. Hoffman, our physics instructor. We have found it eminently satisfactory and have had it highly regarded by those you have seen it, consequently we are a little proud of the boy"s successful project. I would be very happy to have Mr. Crow drive down and exemine it. I think this would be the most satisfactory method of explaining its construction. If he will advise us in advance, we will be glad to have someone show it to him, however your advance notice is not absolutely necessary. REG: MH