February 11, 1944. Mre Ae J. Lewandowski, Director of Athletics, University of Nebraska, Linsoln, Nebraska. ie Dear Lew: + It was ewfully good of you to write ng as you did on February 7th. We will come in at 8:59 on the morning of the 19th. We will s a@ ~~ nove gutarally wel ees eve + will not be necessary for you to meet us. It is too early, and I still -thirk it is good for the boys to do a little hiking. it would be a different matter to the field house, - and we appreciate that very much. Coach Shenk told me that the faothall team had to walk out because they could i always enjoy my visit with you oe tf look forward _ to seeing you on the morning of the 19th, oe ee ience -~- don't meet that train. Sincerely yours, - Direotor oF Physical Education, Varsity Basketball coach.