Tawrence, Kansas, October 10, 1938. pr. F. ยข. Alien, pnirector of physical Rducation, tmiversity of Kansas, pear pr. Allen: we, the undersigned, are interested in bar-bell gymnastics, pop= ularly known as weight lifting. For the last two or three years, & group of us have been working here regularly on this form of exercise, pro- viding our own equipment. our work aroused much interest among other students here in the physical RFducation department, and as the equip- ment which we have used before is no longer available, we do hereby petition for your approval of the department's purchase of necessary equipment. mhis equipment is available in an increasing number of modern gymnasiums, and as it is adjustible to such a widespread and beneficial usage by such a larze group of students, we think that the physical Fducation department would be greatly improved by making it available. The sets are obtainable in different weichts and styles, ranging in weight from 200 to 450 pounds, and in price from $18. to $45. we Suggest that as some of the larger sets make themselves available for use by several students at the same time, that these be considered as most appropriate for use here. wrging your consideration of our petition and thanking you we are, een Et bell Oh tety Yo Bergetaatiey a Wexry Mectehey