E.S.HANNAFORD BUSINESS JOHN W.GARDNER ESTABLISHED IN 187] HANNAFORD & GARDNER ONLY COMPLETE ABSTRACT RECORDS ABSTRACTS EXAMINED OF MARION COUNTY,KANSAS. ABSTRACTERS OF TITLE TITLES PASSED UPON BELL PHONE NO.37-U LOANS ~ REAL ESTATE MARION, KANSAS 2 = think I have a chance to take him this year, unless he looses the election, and I understand he has a real fight this year, Several years ago we were attending a game at Manhattan, players were being changed and substitutions made, Kansas State were 660, and a back field man was put in by Nebraska Mr.Cochran says to me,I will bet you a dollar he makes a touch-down on the first play, I took him with an extra dollar, I sure enough, he caught the punt and made a fine run with the best interference that any man could have and the schore was tied, That is confience and team work. We have a fine High School team have played five games, and no one has crossed our gole line, while our team has an average of 51 points per game. I dont miss any of them. As one who like all athletics, and never fail to attend all games I can get to see, I feel what K.U.needs,is too be taught that Coaches and Directors do not win the games it takes players, first who like to play, second physical fitness, and then good sprotmaship, Hot heads may be all right for one or two plays but never make 4 winning team, and do get the paying public against them and their team-mates, Yes, I have talked with Dutch Hauser a great deal about K,.U. but he can only see the K.U.view point, he is a fine lad and was a good player. X,Bible is not doing so well in Texas, he is the same kind of a director he was at Nebraska but he must not have the material, he had at Nebraska, Biff Jones, is loosing at Nebraska because he does not have the players, that Bible had. After seeing the game at Manhattan Saturday, I feel K.U.Has the material to win most of their games this year, if they will play foot ball, during the foot ball season, and fight during the boxing season, Again thanking you for your very kind and instructive letter, I am,