THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Lawrence Office of the Chancellor October 21, 1938 Dr. F. C. Allen University of Kansas My dear Dr. Allen; Your name has been given as a reference by Mr. Blaine Grimes » Of _Kansas City » who is a candidate for a Rhodes Scholarship in this State this year. I should appreciate it if you would send me a confidential statement concerning the candidate, mentioning what opportunities you have had of knowing him, and giving your full and frank opinion as to his fitness to repre- sent the State at Oxford as regards one or all of the following points. Please speak only of those qualities of the candidate about which you have first hand information, Literary and scholastic ability and attainments. Qualities of manhood, foree of character, and leadership. Exhibition during school days of moral force of character and of instincts to lead and to take an interest in his schoolmates. 4. Physical vigor, as shown by interest in outdoor sports or in other ways. LNT ee The selection is not made, however, on any system of averaging up a man's qualifications under all these heeds. Committees are interested instead in men who show promise of outstanding achieve- ment in latcr life in their particular callings. For this, distinction of intellect and character are the most important requirements, and the committee will be particularly interested in your critical estimate of the candidate on these points. Please do not hesitate to speak of the candidate's limitations os well as his strong points. Since the selection of candidates from the University of Kansas is to be made the last week of October, and since the com- mittce should have as mich time as possible to consider the credentials of ench candidate beforehand, you will confer a favor both on the candi- date end on the committee by replying as soon as possible. Whatever you may say about the candidate will be treated by the committee as strictly confidential. Very sincerely yours, E. Hs LINDLEY, Chancellor