' Major John Le Griffith, Journal, 6858 Glemmood Avenue, Chicago, Illinoise Deas Major Griffith: in response to your good letter of the 12th instant a ee ee ee state that I am enclosing an excerpt fran my new book, Better Basketball, Incorporating Technique, Tactics and Tales. This book is published by the McGraw-Hill Book Campany of New Yorke Tt will be on the bock shelves the first week in December, The subject of the article thet I have written is "Prebehte Refeote of Elinduatine the Center Jun". This may be entirely too long and exhaustive for you to rm, as you will a ae ee a fo you micht want to look it over and as I have tides of the eitmtion for the renders you nigit fiw it interest ing enough to mime tle wean Gx Ms Cece Mi mite he hs president of the McGraw-Hill Company, telling him that I had sent you au excerpt from the book on this subject. I have asked that he write you, giving you permission to use the article as you so desire. Of course, it goes without saying that I would appreciate it if you could mention the fact that I am the author of this new text, together with the fact that.I was the author also of "My Basketball Bibleā€, which goes out of circulation with the incoming of this new books 3 I am sending you @ mimeographed sheet thet I arranged here to answer inquiries concerning the new booke I have so many Se es ee ee eer She and especially so since the book is not out wntil Decenber firste The Techniques are the fimdementals, the Tactics are the execution of the fmdamentals, and the Tales are stories of games that my teams have participated in.