Niagara University Athletic Association Niagara Halls, N. VB. OFFICE OF DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS April 23, 1938 Dr. Forest C. Allen, Coach of Basketball, University of Kansas. Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: Thank you for your kind letter of April 9th. I certainly wohd appreciate receiving a copy of your Evaluation Charts and also your offer of assistance in helping me secure two autographed pictures of Dr. Naismith, I have sent a check to Moore's Studio for two pictures of Dr. Naismith and a photo mailer with the ree guest that they be delivered to you. With kirdest personal regards and thanking you for your assistan.e, I am Sincerely, Kpt~ )-°7 UY Youn J. Gallagher, JIG:JD 7 Director of Athletics.