November 22, 1937. Mrs Robert He Green, Green Finance Company, Springfield, Missourie Pear Mr. Greens You doubtless have read that Mre Gwinn Henry is my successor as Director of Athletics at the University of Kansas. I have nething te do with the distribution of tickets or the adninis- trative end of the athletic departnente — Goda 2 ee gee mae i Een ssa F ty lstrang 124 Ugqgdyitl bgtascgeds 3,54 Pages ets Senet mel rare LTE. bhi 2 g a5 3g 86 e8 63 shila agit Leja dithie 32 ebay “eg 8% iy ‘ ah): ui ine iu tt BY ; tata ti itil ae qed 1333 il a i Ha With every goo¢c wish, I an Very sincerely yours, . aa