October 11, 1937, My, William 4, Gray, fhe Sunshine Mantle Co., Chanute, Kansas, Dear Bill: Your good favor of the 7th instant at hand, I passed on the information to Earl Falkenstien and he told me that if you never paid the fifty cents it would be entirely 0.K. with him, as you had al- ready done more than any one individual he knew of vere getting capable and intelligent material to nsas., But sinee he is the financial secretary and he has a daily ticket report to make out, he of course was forced to send that little reminder, But it was only a business deal, and not the desire of his ovn heart. He knows what fine work you have done, I understand the boys ran over everything but the goal line down at Wichita, and they waited too late to get over as many times as was necessary. . I hepe to see you Saturday at the Ames game, With every good wish, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education,