January 4, 1945. Representative Ray T. Wright, 824 Massachusetts Sireet, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Ray: Superintendent Dean and I have collaborated on a bill written by Representative Richard L. Becker of Coffeyville, Kansas, providing for a Recreation Commission. Representa~ tive Becker is sponsoring it in the Kensas Legislature, and we think it is a very wonderful thing. I would like some time in the near future to have an ty to talk with you and set forth the benefits to be derived from the enactment of this bill. However, I am leaving at 5:30 tomorrow morning for Columbia, Missouri, with the basketball tean and will not return until Saturday night. I would appreciate it if you would give your support to this bill because I think it is a very worthy thing for our youth in the State of Kansas. — Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA AH Varsity Basketball Coach.