1, Oswald Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, MANCHESTER, 2), ENG. 4h? 10. 23, 39. Dear Mr. Allen, I have nad the pleasure of einige your BETTER BASKETBALL for the "Manchester - City News (May 20,1939), having obtained a copy from the London office of the McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd. : Later I asked Messrs.McGraw-Hill for a copy of your MY BASKETBALL BIBLE for review purposes but they told me they had never heard of the book } I wonder if I would be imposing on you: if I asked you to let me have. a copy. I am particularly anxious to add this work to my small library on basketball - the finest game in the world ! I shall review it, of course. Perhaps you may help me in other res- pects, too. Could you favour me with photographs of yourself and Dr.James Naismith, who, I am given to understand, is still a member of the faculty of Kansas University? Any biographical data about both of you would also be welcomed. If you have written any other books on the hoop game I should appreciate. details. Basketball has not yet been adopted in Britain in a big way. The public still confuses the sport with the girls’ game, netball + The war has\ dealt basketball a masty blow, for all the Mormon missionaries, who were the backbone of English basketball, have returned to the States. But our National Competition 13°46 continue. I believe the sport has a big future in this country, although it has been played here for more than 20 years already ! I, myself, have played since 1927, and have taken part in tournaments on the Continent, where the game has certainly taken on well. My ambition is to see basketball played by Britons like cricket and football. The Amateur Basket Ball Association is doing good work in this direction. Another fond hope of thine is to be able to watch: a first-class match in America. Well, Mr.Allen, I hope you will receive this letter safely and that I haven't bored you. Looking forward to your reply, I am, Rha Cordially yours, Ylion URENCE NE Forrest C.Allen, Esq., University of Kansas, Kansas City, Kansas, U.S.A, tn ir lh ita New York Times-Sept. Ll, 1938 IN THIS CORNER with * JACK CUDDY United Press Staff Correspondent Copyright, 1938, by the United Préss PAY COLLEGE PLAYERS | Dr. John Ke Brallier of Latrobe, Pas, is the guy who started peel- ing frogskins off the pigskine who sterted demanding bucks for buckinge fie was our first professional football pleyere And now at 61, Dentist Brallier is still yelling for footbs11 dough; not for himself but for the leds who play it. He is cam~ paigning for pey checks every month for college performers, as well as the prose : "y was the first man ever paid outright for playing football" the robust old molar mauler said. "But 2 certainly wasn't the first to be subsidized for joining a college teame Colleges were taking care of the football boys long before my times They're still doing it under cover. That suberosa business is wronmge They should pay the boys openlys" vo Brallior, father of three childrenand a grandfather through one of his offspring, says he became America's first pro gridster back in 1895. He was attending Weshingten end Jefferson at the time and just beginning his gallop to glory a6 4 quarterback. The nearby steel town of Latrobe had its own football teame This outfit was slated for an important game when its quarterback, Deacon Blair suffered an attack of celic, spavin the heaves or some- things So the Latrobe manager, in desperation, got in touch with Brallier at We and J. and asked if he could fill in for Blair. Brallier replied, "I don't see how I could do ite" "But we've just got to have a good quarterback for this game," insisted the frantic manager. "Would $10 and expenses interest you?" "I"l] say it willt" exolaimed Bralliers 1°11 be your quarterback." IN BIG DOUGH In those days 10 bucks and expenses was big dough for the sturdy put struggling son of Widow Brallier of Indiana, Pa. Accordingly Brallier participated in several Latrobe gemes while still playing with — We and Js And he was paid for every Latrobe game. Latrobe's team was composed of young stee] workers, miners and one of two former college players. They were competing for fun and fame alone=-as were the lads on all other town and city teams--until Brallior came alonge When the word got out that our dentist friend was getting paid, other stellar performers started demanding cash for their effortse Sueh was the birth of the commercial gridstare SES Mi direccién: Héctor Lénez Reboledo Galle J.M.Blanes 869 - Dpto. 4 2 eee VWVONTEVIDEO - Uruge AY» ae BO, 15 de Abril de 1940 REST C. ALLEN University of Kansas Lawrence, Kan.- “ " Dr : FORRE De mi mayor consideracién g estima:. Desde hace cierto tiempo trata ba de obtener su nuevo libro "BETTER BASKETRALL" y en momentos en que’ habfa redactado ya una carta para solicitdrselo directamente, aca- bo de recibirlo por intermedio de la misma casa importadora que hace varios afios puso en mis manos “MY BASKET BALL BI SLE" .- La presente carta no tendrfa ya objeto. Pero la justifica mi gincero @eseo de hacerle llegar las modeetas ‘expresiones de mi fe- licitacién por tan generosas contribuciones al proegresos del pas= ketball y por lo que en cuanto a ellas me corresvonde agradecerle personalmente.- Adem@s le expreso mis deseos de recibir un cata- logo de “Goal-Hi", que seglin espero puede tener buena acogida en ésta.- No me parece inoportuno afregar, a manera de presentacion, que en esta capital desempefio el cargo de erftico de basketball desde hace 15 afios: (actualmente en “EL DIARIO"). Me anicié como “coach" en 1935 ¢ desde 1937 he dirigido en varias oportunidades los se- leccionados de basketball uruguayos, incluso cuando €éstos vencie- ron al equipo norteamericano que nos visité Ultimamente y cuando recientemente (Enero de 1940) el Uruguay conquisté invicto elCam- peonato Sudamericano de Basket Ball sobre Argentina, Brasil, Chi- le, Paraguay y Peru.- Reiteréndole las expresiones de mi acradecimiento y mis fellci-. taciones mas sinceras, quedo a la espera de su amable oe y le saludo affmo. * 'OPINA DE BASKET EL SR. LOPEZ REBOLEDO HABLA SOBRE EL JUEGO DE LOS YANQUIS Y LAS ENSENANZAS QUE DEJA- | RAN EN SU GIRA POR LA PARTE SUR DEL CONTINENTE Lt Luego que vimos actuar al team yanqui de basketball, qui- simos conocer la opini6dn que a los distintos directores técnicos montevideanos les habia produci- do el juego de los mismos, las en- sehanzas que se podian recoger y las derivaciones que en el Uru- ‘guay podria tener ese juego. Iniciamos hoy la publicacién de las opiniones de los distintos di- rectores de equipos de nuestro medio y la empezamos como és natural con el entrenador wtnico del seleccionado nacional, Sr. Héctor Lopez Reboledo. Hace una veintena de amos que Lopez Reboledo esta intimamen- te ligado al deporte del cesto. Ha tocado en el mismo, todos sus re- sortes; fué jugador, luego cronis- ta, referée, dirigente y mas tarde entrenador. Conoce, pues, todos los secretos del juego, como puede conocer- los quien lo siente profundamen- te y quien se ha dedicado a es- tudiarlo en todos esos aspectos. Por lo tanto es con una opinion -valiosa que iniciamos’ un propd- sito que creemos interesante. pa- ra todos los aficionados. © Dice Héctor Lopez Reboledo: “No tengo ninguna duda res- pecto de qu2 el equipo seleccio- nado norteamericano que acaba de visitarnos ha dejado ensenan- zas. Pero no se me oculta tam- poco que sera dificil divulgarlas. Los estimados colegas que tie- nen a su cargo la direccion téc- nica de los distintos equipos mon- tevideanos estaran seguramente de acuerdo en que la escuela nor- teamericana ofrece aspectos muy interesantes para incluirlos en la clasica escuela uruguaya con sa- crificio de aquellos defectos que équivocadamente: hemos creido virtudes. Los profesores de la Co- misi6n Nacional de Educacion Fi- ‘Sica, luego de haber asistido a las dos conferencias del Dr. James Rinaldi, tuvieron asi mismo opor- REBOLEDO | tunidad de. ampliar sus conoci- mientos sobre la moderna téc- nica del basketball de los Esta-} dos Unidos. A.aquéllos y a éstos _corresponde aprovechar una pal- pable tendencia de los encarifia- dos con el deporte del cesto hacia la evolucion técnica y conducir a la juventud basketballistica por el mejor camino. Pero si es verdad que la his- toria se repite, a la larga nos va a vencer el temperamento y la generalizada indisciplina, tenaces enemigos aliados contra todos los métodos, Ser&. necesario;. mas, sera im- prescindible, que las instituciones sociales y nacionales nos presten su mas decidido apoyo, a des- pecho de los triunfos inmediatos y relativamente faciles, en el sen- tido de imponer disciplina, por- que es evidente que sin una bue- na educacién fisica, sin cumplir |: con. un metédico proceso de trai- 1 = ‘ ning, en fin, sin una sdlida dis- ciplina deportiva, se podra con- | tinuar aportando a las seleccio- nes nacionales buenos valores in- | Gividuales, pero no conjuntos que | los sumen fielmente. Si de to- | dos modos se desea tener un pun- to de mira en -el campo interna- cional, entretanto se preparan los mas jovenes, todo ello en fun- cién de las enseflanzas que de- ja. el team norteamericano, las pezspectivas son sencillas y cla- ras: el Campeonato Sudamerica- no de Rio de Janeiro y el torneo continental que luego debe rea- lizarse en Montevideo. Tanto en Ja preparacién de las generacio- nes futuras como en la de los equipos representativos debe im- primirse el sello que certifique nuestra conviccidn progresista. Mal podriamos por un lado con- vencer a los jévenss sobre un de- terminado estilo de juego dando- les el ejemplo de otro totalmen- te diferente bajo el distintivo ce- lJeste. : La Federacién Uruguaya que consigui6 cambiar radicalmente el anticuado sistema de los arbi- trajes, puede, si se lo propone, cambiar nuestro juego de acuer- do al modelo que acabamos de ver y alrededor de cuyas bonda- des no gira precisamente la dis- A VICTORIA DE REBOLEDO Louvada A Orienta- ¢ao Do “Coach”, Que Dirigiu Os Campeoes | —De 40- Nossos confrades de “El Diario”, um dos periodicos de maior prestigio da chro~ nica sportiva de Montevidéo, reéferindo-se ao preparador dos actuaes campedes sul- americanos de — basketball, teve as seguintes expressées, que mantemos na lingua dé origem para lhe conservar todo o sabor: “Han triunfado los uru- guayos y con ellos ha triun- fado su director técnico: nuestro companero encarga- do de la Seccién Basketball, Héctor Lépez Reboledo. La personalidad y los pres- tigios del camerada, son am- pliamente conocidos. No va- mos a glosar en. su torno, es innecesario; queremos, en cambio, y llevados por un natural espiritu camaraderil, que esta vez no pueda quedar encerrado entre las cuatro paredes de nuestra improvi- sada casona actual, el mere- cido homenaje de nuesira congratulacion al companero triunfante.. _ Deseamos associarnos a su satisfaccién, por su victoria y hasta si se quiere, aplican- do en lo que cuadre, aquella expresion, tan en boga hace algunos anos de: “ese!... ese! ese, es mi hermaniio” arogarnos algo de la gloria de los cracks uruguayos qué, con su entrenador al frente, acaban de clasificarse cam- peones sudamericanos. ‘Y bien esta que destaque- mos que en esta ocasién, co- mo en pocas, pudo haber si- do mds personalisimo para un director el el triunfo de | un equipo. Adoptar la jfor- ~ mula popular; cenirse a las @ directivas técnieas del domi- _nio y la comprensién. gene- ral; ir salvando etapas del torneo, mediante victorias holgadas y aciertos colecti- vos del elenco, es correr, en el caso de ganar, hacia tla eraltacién dentro del albo- rozo popular y en el easo de derrota, hacia la ecdmoda disculpa... No ocurri6 eso, en este Ary te AO) B Pee de le loeng: (irae campeonato; tla integracion ‘ del conjunto no fué el rejfle- a ™ Vator Hector Lopez Reboledo, nosso confrade e technico uruguayo. Foi muite combatido pelos collegas e pelo publico, mas conseguiu provar na quadra 0 . acerte de suas decisoes jo exacto de la opinion gene- ralizada; las tacticas no fie- ron las sacramentalmente impuestas en nuestros cam- pos de basket e las imnosi- ciones. no ofrecieron la sen-~ sacion de pauta ininterrum- pida. de holgada superiori- dad; de ans que Lopez Reé- boledo, no resultara respal- dado como en los casos que antes senalamos; de ahi que su labor fuera mds personul y su responsabilidad casi er- clusiva; de ahi que su preo- cupacion fuera constante y que quienes en su torno, lle- varamos. cuenta de que el afrontaba valientemente la exposicién de sus prestigios, veamos en ese. triunfo de nuestros “cracks”, buend parte de los desvelos de Lé- pez Reboledo. Por eso que su triunfo, es _ mas grande y... por eso, su modestia, lindante con el retraimiento, no seria capaz de cargar con todo el peso de los lauros, nos asociamos a él en esta hora: hacien- dole justicia y comidiéndo- Hang a ayudarle a cargar- CSin4 ~ 5 te ED: {ae WONTEVIDEO, April 15, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Esteemed sir: __ For some time I have been trying to obtain your new book "BETTER BASKETBALL" and at the time that I had written a letter asking you for it directly, I received it-through the same Importing house that placed in my hands "WY BASKETBALL SIBLE" several years ago. et thet The presentawould no longer have any objec that I am justified by my sincere desire to have you receive my modest expression of felicitation for such generous Contributions to the progress of basketball aaja—j—_mieee- for which I must thank you personally. Besides this, I wish to express my desire to receive the catalogue "Goal-Hi", which I trust will have a good reception in this city. ee : I do not believe it out of order to add, in order to present myself, that in this Capital I discharge the role of basketball critic, and have done so for fifteen years (at th@$time I am connected with "El Diario"{ I started as "coach" in 1935 and since 1937 I have on various occasions treve selected the Uruguayan Basketball teams, including the time when they beat the North#merican team which visited us lately, and whsnrecently (January of 1940) Uruguay wase undeféateéd in the Southg#merican Basketball Championship, winning over the teams from the Argentine, Bragil, Chile, Paraguay and Peru. Repeating my expressions of thanks and my most sincere congratulations, and hoping to receive an answer from you, I remain 3 Respectfully yours, My address; (signed) H. Lépez Reboledo Hector Lépez Reboledo Calle J.M. Blanes 869 - Dpto. 4 MONTEVIDEO - Urugpay May Sy 1920. With best wishes for your continued success, I an Very sincerely yours, Mrector of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coache DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE April 27, 19406 Mre Clarence Chrisman, Department of Romance Languages, University of Kansas. Dear Mre Chrisman: I dislike to bother you too much with letters of this sort, but if you would be kind enough to translate the enclosed letter I would greatly appreciate ite Very cordially yours, sical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH =e ty Basketball Coach’ “ Belo Horizonte (Brasil), 23 de Dezembro de 1939. Presado Mr. Fe Ce Allen Saudagoes Em tenho seu livro "Better Basket~ball": com ele tenho ganho muitos jogos e camPeponatos aqui no meu Clube, MINAS TENNIS CLUBE, onde sou coach. Tive um grande amigo americano, ja morto, que foi o introdutor do basket-ball no Brasil, Mr. F. Ce Brown, nosso idolo no basket- ball: morreu ha 2 anos no Rio de Janeiro. A Diretoria de meu Clube autorisou-me a escrever ao amigo para vermos se 6 possivel fazermos uma competicao, por telegrama de Lence-Livree Numa data prevismente combinada - lembro a data de 5 de Abril de 1940 - 5 jogadores da Universidade de Kansas tira- riam cads um 100 lances livre, 50 em cada tabela, perfazendo um total de 500 lances. No mesmo dia, aqui no Brasil nés tirariamos 500 lances e am aquele gue melhor resultado obtivesse seria con- siderado o vencedor. nbs jé temos competidos contra outros Bs- tados do Brasil e mesmo contra a Argentina. A Universidade de Kansas teria aqui seu repResentante e nés ahiflo nosso para acom- panhar tequinicamente o desenrolar e posteriormente enviar as sumulas (copias). Para nosso representante ahi o nome do presado amigo jé foi lembrado e para aqui, caso n3o tenha um conhecido, lembraris o nome do nosso Presidente, Major Ernesto Dornelles, _. official do Exercito Brasileiro. J4 temos sumulas impressas, * henho as fotogrefias de nossa turma y da cidade, tudo promto para envier ao amigo: comtudo aguardarei uma resposta para saber se de fato interessa o que_acabo de propor: lembro ao amigo que se- ris a primeira competicgso por. correspondencia no Mundo entre dois Continentes preticantes de Basket-ball e esta gloria viria a gaa muxittux 9 Universidade de Kansas e 30 liinas Tennis Clube e Talvez o nome de THOMAS SNIPES n3o seja desconhecido do amigo: ele est4 sendo professor da Escola de Vicosa e & meu amigo. Aguardo sua resposta e pego desculpes por escrever em portugue Muito amigo que o abraca desejando um feliz Nata e um ano Novo de 1940 cheio de felicidades ' 9 dics See Gerson Sabiho - Coach do Minas Enderego: 7 Tennis Clube Gerson Sepia - Praca da Liberdade, 1458 - — Horizonte “Brest (Translation by Mr. Chrisman, of the Spanish Dept.) Belo Horizonte, Brazil December 23, 1939. Mre Fe Ce Allen Greetings, I have your book, "Better Basketball"; with it I have won many games and championships here in my club, MINAS TENNIS CLUB, where I am coache I had a good American friend, now dead, who introduced basketball into Brazil, Mr. F. C. Brown, our basket-= ball idol, who died two years ago in Rio de Janeiroe The director of my club authorizes me to write to you to see if it would be possible to have a free-throwing contest by telegram; on an agreed date. I select the date of April 5, 1940. Five players’ of the University of Kansas would have one hundred (100) free throws each; fifty (50) on each backboard, making a totel of 500 throws. On the same day, here in Brazil, we would make 500 free throws and the one obtaining the best results would be considered the winner. We have al- ready competed against other Brazilian states and even against Argentina. The University of Kansas would have its representa- tive here and we would have ours there - to oversee the contest and later to send the results. For our representative there I select you, Mr. Allen, and for your representative here, in case you have no acquaintance, I should select our president, Major Ernesto Dornelles, officer of the Brazilian army. We already have printed score cards, I have the photograph of our team, of the city; every- thing prepared to send to youe I shall aweit an answer to know if what I have suggested interests you. This would be the first correspondence contest in the world between two continents interested in basketball, and the honor would go to the University of Kansas end the Minas Tennis Club. Perhaps you know Thomas Snipes, he is teaching in the school of Vicosa and is my friend. I await your reply and apologize for having written in Portuguesee Desiring that you may have a Merry Christmas and a . Happy New Year, Gerson Sabino Coach, Minas Temis Club | sel step 3 = aay Liss ty Hig ae He ia ie ti | Saya3? . Z He itt eal 4 i E “ tHe i f H ; pial! i pee as a; eS 8 se ye is lik Hota > yi it a ao] HT ° eked i WU als 3 4 ; , S3g tia! jit | § | B Sakti (E. S. A.) Dated eno th DECeMber sy un 193° Dear Mr, Allen, thank you very much for your letter dated 20th. September 1938, in reply to our enquiry regarding ‘Basket Ball Bible'. lt is very kind of a to have advised us to buy a copy of 'Better Basket Ball'. 1 am also thankful to you for sending some material which describes the new book quite fully. 1 have made up my mind to §o in for “iets Basket Ball' and am sending you herewith a cheque = S 4.00 on an American Bank drawn in your favour. Please autograph it and write what you think suitable for a lover of basket-ball in india. now proud 1 shall be to possess a book which consists an autograph and advice by the author himself. 1 hope you will not mind the trouble in sending the book at your Piezetic «2. earliest convenience by air mail . 1 shall of course @ Y on Shin ag Yuvraj, Sakti-State. P/fo Sakti. B.N.K. “pay the extra postage. Septenber 20, 1938. Mire Je He Bs Singh, Palaces Sakti, -P/O Sakld, BAER, “Indians Dear Mr. Singhs : 1 en very hazy to heve your inguiry about | my book, “My Basketball Bible*. This beok was first nublished in 1925, and had a sale of 15,000 copies. Fneoureged by the sale of this book we have you decide to purchase ea of "Setter Basketball", if you wA32 een mo your aheck for $4000 I will be clad to Geil Ge book to you postpaide iI will be glad to autograph it if you will tell me what you would like te have written on the fly Thanking you for your inquiry, and with best wishes, I am ; Very sincerely yours, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. mac. Calaee' Sobli : “84. 8.38 faesl Allen 80. Clo Sands Grrees . CO, — fablls Ke asad CG. 1 O. llean St. Bd Shall be hafpy if yee will fumidly ded a Upy « Sy frashot Ball Bybl” by Ae fad QW doom ao oo jas cascewly fp 7 oo _ Palret fee frolen