(Translation by Mr. Chrisman, of the Spanish Dept.) Belo Horizonte, Brazil December 23, 1939. Mre Fe Ce Allen Greetings, I have your book, "Better Basketball"; with it I have won many games and championships here in my club, MINAS TENNIS CLUB, where I am coache I had a good American friend, now dead, who introduced basketball into Brazil, Mr. F. C. Brown, our basket-= ball idol, who died two years ago in Rio de Janeiroe The director of my club authorizes me to write to you to see if it would be possible to have a free-throwing contest by telegram; on an agreed date. I select the date of April 5, 1940. Five players’ of the University of Kansas would have one hundred (100) free throws each; fifty (50) on each backboard, making a totel of 500 throws. On the same day, here in Brazil, we would make 500 free throws and the one obtaining the best results would be considered the winner. We have al- ready competed against other Brazilian states and even against Argentina. The University of Kansas would have its representa- tive here and we would have ours there - to oversee the contest and later to send the results. For our representative there I select you, Mr. Allen, and for your representative here, in case you have no acquaintance, I should select our president, Major Ernesto Dornelles, officer of the Brazilian army. We already have printed score cards, I have the photograph of our team, of the city; every- thing prepared to send to youe I shall aweit an answer to know if what I have suggested interests you. This would be the first correspondence contest in the world between two continents interested in basketball, and the honor would go to the University of Kansas end the Minas Tennis Club. Perhaps you know Thomas Snipes, he is teaching in the school of Vicosa and is my friend. I await your reply and apologize for having written in Portuguesee Desiring that you may have a Merry Christmas and a . Happy New Year, Gerson Sabino Coach, Minas Temis Club