ee e en 8 W. C. SIMONS, PRESIDENT J. W. MURRAY, MANAGING EDITOR DOLPH SIMONS, BUSINESS MANAGER THE LAWRENCE DAILY JOURNAL-WORLD AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS BY THE WORLD COMPANY NATIONAL REPRESENT AZ SS PRINTERS, BINDERS, BLANK BOOK MAKERS LORENZEN & THOMPSON INC. NEW YORK, 28 WEST 44TH ST. CHICAGO, N. MIC ; KANBAG CITY, 1004 BALTIMORE AVE. ee OFFICES ALSO IN ATLANTA, DETROIT, CINCINNATI, LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO: May ° 3 1941 AND ST. LOUIS, Dr. F. ¢. Allen Athletic Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor: Larry Winn and the Phi Psi chapter have asked me to raise $25.00 among the Lawrence Phi Psi alumni to help finance a well planned rushing campaign this summer. The enclosure prepared by Frank Bolin ex- plains what is to be done, and will show that the boys at the house will pay more than half the cost. Our local list is limited and to meet the quota it will take some $5.00 contributions. If you wish to help, please send me your check which I will for- ward to Larry in Kansas City. Sincerely, DS: DMF saaiealsed May Sth, 1942 Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dolph: . Please find inclosed my personal cheok for Five ($5.00) Dollars for the Phi: Psi al ic Pushing campaigne | Dolph, I am giving this five dollars on your account and not bedause + believe in the poliey of the Phi Psi here in Lawrence. You will remember . i headed up their alumni campaign for money to improve the house. This proves _ thet I want to help them by work and by money but it's my opinion that these youngsters are so “cockey" and so arrogant that they need someone to turn then over his knee and give them the parental spank. : The reason that they fell so far behind on their income was because of the fact that they refused to take perfectly fine boys and naturally when sane of their hand-s@iige boys dropped out of school then they had ea dearth of the bills. oe ( Dolph, I'm for the boys ‘using their om judgaent in picking their fellow fraternity. men, however, but when these boys come and ery on your shoulders for funds wiieh is the result of their arrogance and their lack of judgnent in picking stable men, then I feel that all of us theuld not spare a few forceful words to place responsibility upon them where it belongs. If nothing else, — this war will teach some of these fellows that they are Living in a land of ~ reality and not in a land of milk and honey, where mamma and papmet sh all the milk and honey. oo! Praternally yours, - KANSAS ALPHA Fk Rappa Psi Hraternity 1100 INDIANA STREET LAWRENCE, KANSAS Suniel tin aiid Nits denies ieee ee tai of all fraternities, This coming yeer, due to the peace-tize draft and other factors, will doubtlessly be one of the biggest protien yeers ofthe lest deeade or so. Faced with this situation In Keneas Se ee ites ae ren teres aes te melamine our rash chairmen €150 for the three vacation months “for travels | expenses directly connecte? with his suueen: cane tn ontenia. the chapter implieily sets out certain duties on the rush cheirpmen. He is te spend at least a third of bis tims ectuelly on the voed. hen not trevelling, he is to be plenmning for other trips, writing rushees generel interest letters, keeping « continual stream of “pep* letters going to the active brothers of the chapter se as to se~ cure mexisum cooperation from than, and keep « very extensive file on ail rushees conteeted by Himself or other brothers. | A sajor push trip of the rash cheirmen mentioned above would mean | something of the following: ee ee ee the brothers In the towns he expecte? to cover, making serraengemonts with them for boserd ent rooms. Selecting one or two convenient apote in the territory, he would set up temporary : era with the brothers of thet togn. Rech dey he ant one or teo local Phi Pais vould visit about two or three towns, visiting rushees whom they heve elreedy con~ tected ent oaking every effort to contest ww ones. Phe best pien we beve found for doing this letter is te spen? a few ainutes vith the pete’ Se ee See ee See Oe cone bee Ge ok Be alse found it very eadventegeous to spend some time with bis per- ents, discussing university life, ant fraternities in genersi. 4 trip euch as this, efvhich the rush cheirren would mske perhaps three, would lest from about ten days to two weeks. The file mentioned sbove would devote « separate card to each rush~ » giving his neme, eddress, telephone number, grades, social rating, sebieitins. personality deseription, ru rushee's general interests, record of correspondence with eny brothers, year in school, finsneial stetus, and any miscellancous aformetion, ghich the rash chairmen i rtinest. The purpose of this eerd file ts two-fold. (1) ets So ee SS Se. eas ae ea ee Senticlities daring rush week, and (°)}, supply neceseary information to the brothers cho expect to entertain any given rushee during rush week. thie file 40 im addition te the file ve usually cp of the dates we heve with rushess during rush woek. In other words, the fraternity 1s hiring one of the brothers at a Pe cath see me eeeevertine tan Sree 3, =o eS aeaer of masons akon at 4s aeckauaee Sak on reise "9160. Sith this, s down-payment will be made on a cer end a note sige? for the bal- lenee. At the end of the summer thie car will be returned to the deal~ er in settlement for the note. hee been mede with an automobile agent, ant we ae now hoping theeiuent will esbecribe the 4oun-payzent necessery encunt for q no TAO May 6th, 1941 Nebraska Alpha of Phi Kappa Psi 1548 S Street Lincoln, Nebraska Dear Brothers of Nebraska Alpha of Phi Kappa Psi: When Winston Churchhill promised his people only blood sweat, toil and tears, there was an implication for all of us. The individual who does not recognize troubled days ahead is selling his co-workers short. Someone has said that seventy five million Frenchmen cannot be wrong, but they were, and just once was enough. The word, "blitzkrieg" has been accepted internationally as a lightening war in all things where a push is necessary. I'm told by “ansas Alpha of Phi Kappa Psi that a better than ever rushing campaign is in store for them next year. I have also been informed by your brother, Albert Fusch, Jr., that Nebraska is contemplating exactly the same thing. We recognize that fraternies, along with other organizations, will be hard put, and only the best effort of the best men in your fraternity will keep it functioning as a leader and as a device where men plan for a purpose. I congratulate Nebraska Alpha men for seizing time by the forelock, but, in the same words, I challenge Nebraska Alphas to put forth their most aggressive and earnest campaign to keep your fine fraternity's place in the sun. Good luck and best wishes. Fraternally, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Base- ball Yoach. FCA:zre iy 6th, 1941 lire Albert Busch, Jr, oe Nebrasia Alpha of Phi Kappa Psi 1548 S. Street Linsoln, Nebraska Dear Prother Busch: i am happy to comply with your request in your letter of April 30th. I em sending e gloss anda note to the Phi Kappa Psi Brothers. _ frusting this will eid you in yeur effort to improve the cmmditions in your chapter, locally, and the Phi Psis, cenerall, yy Sincerely yours, Director ef Physical Education and Reoreation Varsity Basketball ,nd ee Baseball Coach. , | Nebraska Alpha uf Phi Kappa Hai 1548 S STREET LINCOLN, NEBRASKA April 30, 1941 Dear "Phog", Recognizing the troubled days which lie ahead for fraternities, we of Nebraska Alpha of Phi Kappa Psi have undertaken a " blitzkrieg " rushing campaign. It will be necessary for us to have a better tan ever rush week to overcome these potential difficulties; consequently we would like a great deal of cooperation from certain Phi Psi Alumni. Along with other measures we are publishing a special edition of our Phi Psi Rag, a publication of Nebraska Alpha, in which will be a page of " News on the National Front " . Because of your national prominence a word from you would be of great help to us. In short we would appreciate a portrait picture of you as well as a short note concerning your activities and the meaning of Phi Psi to you. If you cooperate with us in this respect we would appreciate it greatly and be forever indebted. Hoping for the best- Fraternally, Med Bisa be fp Ae G Nebraska Alp Fraternity Acacia Alpha Tau Gmega Beta Theta Pi Delta Chi Delta Tau Delta Delta Upsilon Kappa Sigma Phi Delta Theta Phi Gamma Delta Phi Kappa Psi Pi Kappa Alpha Sigma Alphe Epsilon Sigma Chi Sigma Nu Sigma Phi Epsilen Tau Kappa Epsilon Triangle Professional Fraternities Alpha Chi Sigma Alpha Kappa Psi Kappa Eta Kappa Nu Sigma Nu Phi Beta Pi Phi Ghi Phi Mu Alpha Theta Tau Colored Fraternities Alpha Phi Alpha Kappa Alpha Psi : % ’ oe , Loe President Robert Burns Pichard Westfall Cherles Case Pobert Holmer Jach Severin Pobert McKay Pichard Hansen Jerry Hellings Paul H. Heinz William Gray Bob Royer Chester Hall Robert Farmer Daniel R. Hopkins Glen Elliott Kenneth Dunn Richard Lee Glenn Stevenson Eldreth Cadwalder doe Settle Dean Kipp Harry Brown Francis Collins Clayton H, Krehbiel Stanley Bloom Harry N. Rollins Curtis Ase Burton very epropos in these troublesome I will be glad to see you when it is convenient. | Director of Phys: Education and Recreation, PCAsAH 7 Varsity Conths KANSAS ALPHA LAWRENCE, KANSAS August 25, 2941. Kansas City, Moe Dear Franke It will not be Ao rane r Bobby Allen or for me to attend the Phi P raat party a ome Hills Director of Ph Education and Recreation, PCA:AR | Varsity Bi and Baseball Coach. duly 31, 1941 Mr. Prank Bolin, /r., 209 Wiest 66th, . Kansas City, Hoe Dear Frank: IT em sorry thet I missed you when you stopped in to say hello. I assure you it was not necessary for you to write a letter to me because I do not Beek in the least that I should be placated. it is mot I personally who is making the complaint, but rather I em sounding a note of dissatisfaction of the alumi toward groups who want to be selfsufficient in some things but are not self-sufficient financially. That is just the point, Frank. I do not feel disgusted, but boys who will remember they ere college boys only when they have made a mistake and forget they are college boys when they should be broad-minded toward their fellows ~ then I say has missed some training. I do not blame a fellow for being cocky if he has got the stuff, but so much of it is put on, ine diceting en inferiority complex, that I believe if we would all get sown to earth and give saue of theve worthy hard-working boye their due the fraternities would not be so snobbish and they would assume @ reletively more important plece in the life of our school, What I am trying to sey is that I emphatically believe that fraternities end sororities are too much overemphasized in the Middle West. I will be glad to talk with you some time when it is con- venient for you to drop around, but do not make it a special item of business on my account. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA: AH | Varsity Basketball Coach. KANSAS ALPHA 1100 INDIANA STREET A abinday [flerceeg Lees Me FE (lan fogese pt for rot roudlaig You Aeon, bit A reall, ave few nent, Im tory De foncl Hat pou fal oo Aandi Bugg wi Be part Lam Vepey bo fort. Belk cogent Llfen He Adets 4nd We alhinyn Keer £22k Ap BS A ta Seanewecs, KANSAS ALPHA LAWRENCE, KANSAS July llth, 1941 Mr. Frank Bolin, Jr. Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity 1100 Indiana Street Lawrence, Kansas Dear Frank: I acknowledge receipt of your good letter written last Monday afternoon. You asked if I have any suggestions. I made the contri- bution to Dolph Simons to send on to Larry yet I made this comment:-that it was about high time that the youngsters of the Phi Psi house not be so autocratic in turning down very excellent young men for possible membership. Far be it from me to recommend a young man for consideration by the active Chapter. I have seen too many very worthwhile boys turned down. And then I have seen the active Yhapter go into a financial tailspin because some of the outstanding (?) selectives had flunked out and left the Chapter in a bad financial condition. Each and every time the actives make a blunder théy invariably go to the Alumni and ask that this deficit be made up from one cause or another. If the actives are so insistent that they take only their own ideas of select timber, they should then take the added responsibility of working themselves out of their difficulties. This comment has been made by a number.of very prominent men of financial integrity. And, I might add that it's also my opinion. There are too many boys that imagine they are “big shots" but still cannot foot the bills after ae! have followed their own follies. If you do not get what I mean, sometime 1'11 be glad to explain to you, personally. I want to congratulate you on the work you are doing because doubtless you realize that this year will see the toughest rushing season that fraternity men have faced in many many years. If there's anything I can do to help you at any time, I'll be very glad to do it in the name of Phi Kappa Psi. Fraternally yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. KANSAS ALPHA Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity . 1100 INDIANA STREET ' LAWRENCE, KANSAS bite. Lge. from (ls. Min, mal SK force ft "ST 28 J Fak You bey tuck fo go lenticbatieo, — Lg 2 ioe , : Fact dont ancl Su Loenig mg bat & firoticec | Y fox avt any ZS fer Certang A weeth OT A har ahiaky Lehn. Whe fort Jas let. hig Aenereg pee Je ot a D060 fells. Cf Sac a Ct ua Coy September 29, 1941+ Mpe Charles le Strickland, Gas and Ueilities "Company, Mason City, lous. Dear Chucks Friday night, my thoughts gun beck te She. pleasent neneute epent cil tia Gk ew baeks bntl 0h Che Iam just again saying thank you for and hoping that we see the Stricklands in lawrence this falls With ell good wishes, I an Fraternally yours, Direotor of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA sAH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coaches October 28, 1941 Ur. Hebe Cramer, Jre Phi Kappa Psi. Bloomington, Indiana Dear Brother Craner, — I am happy te respond to your request for a gloss of my physiog- nomy. Iam sorry that I have no finished photographs, but this will suffice since I'm one of the “muscle men” of a questionable ocoupation. : , fhank you for your kind invitation. It would be a delight to visit you and the brothers and I trust that sometime an oppor- tunity will present itself for me to have the pleasure of visi- ting at your chapter house. Fraternally, . : Director of Physical Education and Recreation Pca/pg Varsity Bysketball and Baseball Coach PHI KAPPA PSI BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA May 2, 1942. mienee Alpha of Phi Kappa Psi, 1100 Indiana Street, Lawrenoe, Kansas. Dear Friends: I regret that it will be inpossible for me to attend the Annual Alumi Banquet on May 14th, as I have a commencement address that evening at Limwood Rural High School. Thanking youfor your kind invitetion, IT am Fraternally yours, | Director of Physical Education and Recreation, POAAH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. a 7949.2 (THIS SIDE OF CARD4S FOR/ADDRESS | 2 yo/ ee KANSAS ALPHA OF PHI KAPPA PSI invites you to attend the ANNUAL ALUMNI BANQUET at the Chapter House 1100 Indiana St. May 14, 1942, 6:15 p. m. 2 REND. Vv — es PHI KAPPA PSI ALUMNI FUND 915 Wm. Fox Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. Dear Brothers Unfortunately, national peril is not a wave which the bulwark of strong defense can stop, compelling ebb -=- with every- thing inside the barrier untouched. National danger resembles the ripple caused when a rock is dropped into still water -- it circles ever outward, taking in more and more. "More and more' means YOU and ME -=- all that we possess, all that we cherish. And you and I happen to cherish one intimate bond in common which too is threatened. Do you remember? A gangling boy entering college, thrilled and awed, trying solemnly to appear nonchalant. Then, suddenly, invested with a new pride, new confidence. Pledged! Pledged Phi Kappa Psi! Initiated! Become a Brother! And so four years of glowing, friendly living -- a boy turned youth, that youth turned man -=- which none but such another boy can ever live again. Do you remember? Is that memory worth one dollar? A tribute from the Heart -- payment from the Past to insure the Future! You can deduct it from the Federal Income Tax -- one dollar or as many dollars as you can afford to send. With it you are help- ing to guarantee a basic national minimum of safety for our Fraternity. Our Chapters are depleted through draft and enlistment and war industries. Yet they must survive; for later it may be too late to revive them. Where can they look for help -- if not to our National Organization? Where can our Organization look for such needed help -- if not to us who give it being? And we? Cannot we look into our hearts -=- and find that boy again -=- and so remember? Won't you try? Very fraternally yours, J President nel dine Vibe-President PAY TO THE ORDER OF.................. Phi Kappa Psi Alumni Fund.................. Dios a ee Dollars ee wwe ww we ewe ee ee ee ee Re Oe Oe RR HOO OR ROOM OR DEER EH ER EE ER EEE SEE HEME EEE EEE EEE TEESE W. R. TATE, Treasurer Plaza Bank of Commerce, 234 Alameda Road Kansas City 2, Missouri C. F. WILLIAMS, Secretary 1940 East Sixth Street Cleveland 14, Ohio SHIRLEY E. MESERVE, Attorney General 555 South Flower Street, Los Angeles 13, California HARRY S. GORGAS, President Gorgas, Thomas & Co., 76 Beaver Street New York 5, N. Y. HARLAN B. SELBY, Vice President Post Office Box 797 Morgantown, W. Va. PHI KAPPA PSI FRATERNITY October 19, 1945 Dear Brothers: Once more with the opening of a new college year I am reporting to you and asking your help and cooperation for the welfare of Phi Kappa Psi. The Fraternity completed the 1944-45 academic year in continued good condition. Approximately 37 of our 51 Chapters are operating with active organizations. In other cases where no Chapter activity exists, we have maintained our contacts with Chapter advisors and house corporation officers, and as far as possible, plans are being made for the revival of these Chapters. ,in the year ended March 1, 1945, we initiated ita as against 555 the previous year, and 1196 in 1943. Contributions to the Tom Platt Alumni Fund fell off somewhat as compared to the previous year, and the officers of the Fraternity are earnestly requesting your help in making the coming year's contributions the best in its history. This money is and will be urgently needed in the rebuilding of our Chapters during the coming months. One of the most vital problems in our Chapter organizations at the present time is "Leadership." As an unfortunate, but necessary result of the war, we have lost nearly all of the experienced and seasoned undergraduate Chapter officers and administrators. The new Brothers are enthusiastic, but the turn-over has been so fast and so heavy that in most instances today, our Chapter officers lack entirely the knowledge of Chapter management and Phi Psi, tradition, which is now needed more than ever. — There are a few Chapters where such experienced leadership is desperately needed immediately. The success of such Chapters for several years to come may depend upon our procuring strong,aggressive and experienced Phi Psi undergraduate leadership for them. It is here that we are calling upon you for help and assistance. Do you know a young Phi Psi returned veteran, who was an outstanding Chapter leader and who is planning for some reason to change his college? We need several boys of this type to take over the leadership of a few of our Chapters now having difficulty reorgan- izing properly. Arrangements can be made for part-payment of his expenses, al- though the Fraternity's resources are limited in this respect. He must be an able, aggressive leader with great Phi Psi enthusiasm. If, even only two or three of these boys can be found, they can do a job which will be a lasting satisfaction to themselves and a great benefit to the Fraternity, I shall greatly appreciate word from you Fegaratng any possible suggestions along the above lines. Very fraternally yours, amy Xf Lg Harry S. Gorgas, Preside