duly 31, 1941 Mr. Prank Bolin, /r., 209 Wiest 66th, . Kansas City, Hoe Dear Frank: IT em sorry thet I missed you when you stopped in to say hello. I assure you it was not necessary for you to write a letter to me because I do not Beek in the least that I should be placated. it is mot I personally who is making the complaint, but rather I em sounding a note of dissatisfaction of the alumi toward groups who want to be selfsufficient in some things but are not self-sufficient financially. That is just the point, Frank. I do not feel disgusted, but boys who will remember they ere college boys only when they have made a mistake and forget they are college boys when they should be broad-minded toward their fellows ~ then I say has missed some training. I do not blame a fellow for being cocky if he has got the stuff, but so much of it is put on, ine diceting en inferiority complex, that I believe if we would all get sown to earth and give saue of theve worthy hard-working boye their due the fraternities would not be so snobbish and they would assume @ reletively more important plece in the life of our school, What I am trying to sey is that I emphatically believe that fraternities end sororities are too much overemphasized in the Middle West. I will be glad to talk with you some time when it is con- venient for you to drop around, but do not make it a special item of business on my account. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA: AH | Varsity Basketball Coach.