October 235, 1939« Tt am enclosing herewith your receipt for your registration fee for the Folk Dance Festival, which Miss Hoover has turned over to this office. eee luncheon. Your receipt will admit you to all three sessions of the Dance Festivals I am sure you will — Sen 0 ee et ee Senne Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Eduestion and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coaches REGISTRATION FOR FOLK DANCE FESTIVAL University of Kansas October 28, 1939 Noe of Adult registrations G . ($1200 each) Amt. enclosed 36. — No. of Student registrations —=s_—_ ($250 each) Amt. enclosed $ No. of reservations for lum¢éheon at 12:30 ($40 cach) eo . (Note: The above registration fee is for early registrations only; persons registering on Saturday, October 28, will pay °1.25 and 75¢. This registra-= tion fee admits to the two day sessions and also to the Barn Dance at nighte) Jello J 6 Mecpead.te wrt Sd one Q Ch COMM A-1144 ~off Yea yi / AN A October 25, 1939» + ac eats eines cite ob Weiem, Vase Jo Woody, end en sending four in bianke Will you kindly have the other teachers fill in the names? © These rooeigts will adait f cl? thews soosions of the : Director of Physical Education and — TmGe Varsity Basketball Coaches ecu i ob a ges : a3 a if [ li Hy ne ay ety Hi ge . ih i iy i ly ‘|e ian Us it du! ie ii? ; ie Me hay ‘i i a EL jah 0 iin ms ih — < om _ _ —_— - — —_ _ - _ - — x | REGISTRATION FOR FOLK DANCE FESTIVAL \ University of Kansas ? October 28, 1939 Noe of Adult registrations z ($1.00 each) Amt. enclosed $ 92°00 _ Noe of Student registrations _—9 ($250 each) Amt. enclosed io No. of reservations for luncheon at 12:30 ($40 cach) $4.80 (Note; The above registration fee is for early registrations only; persons registering on Saturday, October 28, will pay %1.25 ond 75¢. This registra- tion fee admits to the two day sessions and also to the Barn Dance at night.) Fnclosed is @heck to cover above charges. FORT HAYS KANSAS STATE COLLEGE 2K DEPARTMENT' OF HEALTH Cc. E. RARICK, President AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Earl F. Morris HAYS, KANSAS Geneva Millett o 10% William Bearley October 25 5 1949 Jessie Pearce Elizabeth Barbour Paul Gross Grace Card Miss Ruth Hoover Physical Education Office University of Kansas Lawerence, Kansas My dear Miss Hoover, Fnclosed you will find a check and re- gistration slip for our party from Fort Hays Kansas State College for the Folk Dance Clinic and Festival to be held Saturday October the twenty-eighth. Probably we shall stay at the El Navajo Camp Friday and Saturday nignt. We are looking forward with much pleasure to the Folk Dance Festival. oincerely, Cha a Ve eee ere Elizabeth Barbour = tr cb to ik instructor of Physical Education October 26, 1 955— so erthusiastic abort Dr. Dugemn's works. Ii.ss Lee, by way, is & sister of Mrs. Ts i's Asmmane Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, ‘vekty ell Ouch. Chancellor Deene We Malott, University of Kansase | Deer Chanceller Lalotts The persans cooperating in the progrenm for the Folk Dence Festival on Saturday, Ootober 28, have esked me to extend @ most cordial invitation to you . nd Mrse Maloté to be our guests at the limchean to be held at 12230 in the Kensas Room of the Menorial There is a splendid revival of interest in are fortamate indeed in securing for this Festival one of the three outstanding leaders in this field ~ Dire Anne Sehley Dugganese Dire Duggan Will speak at this luncheon mecting. f B é ae FOLK FESTIVAL COMMITTEES Finance: John Je O. Moore, Dorothy Schroeter uae? Registration and Adnissions: Dre Allen, Jerry Ulm, Howard Engleman Program and Party: Jane Byrn, Doris Twente, T. Pe Hunter, Maxine ‘Patterson, David Whitney. Hospitality: Mary Jo Comel, Herbert Hartman Publicity, Promotion and Prizes: Eda Paddock, Fllen Paullin, Stu Jones, Leo Johnstone, Charles Wright, Ingrid Frestedius, Alice ' MeGill October 28 Dance Festival - 10:00 to 12:00 deme Luncheon Dance Festival = 2:00 to 4:00 peme First Annual Jayhawker Barn Dance - 9:00 to 12:00 pelme (Union Ballreem) | Ndr 7 } Eruncbos Ea : ee Ea fae i A A i. Woedecde 7 — My Ahn mn 1 al Ai 7, 2423 Pheva, JS0¢ SSO Ze 13 04 31v0 go |e 4 5b O Pbo0 7 S6R AGO Sis ]>/ ree Fhe 7 | FOS ces” 19) IS) es Fe 7 gy ee 30 Velen Mitdle- brcieh aeaeca Sas 4 ol ue ee aettes— £AY/% “WW 4 84. Obie eget XO 731 33. Margerde Wks YWCA ays9 a. Meh 72s 1507S Bs, Biol A du eke ATE 24 (ae Walters Heald ane 1 hol ta apne me — WI Gd tf . ey Wee ' Ohi — pal 6 treng pam d Bie casey 7% a \ gen Me Aa 1389 W Congere To: Organization Representatives for the Ke Ue Dance Festival From: The Central Committee After the meeting last night with Dr. Allen, the Finance Committee for the Festival met to discuss the questions you raised in regard to bringing dates to. the Barn Dance. Taking into consideration (1) the expense of bringing Dr. Duggan and her group of eight to the campus, (2) the request from some of you that girls, as well as men, be given the opportunity to invite dates to the party, and our desire to avoid discrimination in this matter, we have reached the conclusion you see listed below as number (2). You are urged to register in Dr. Allen's office as soon as possible, so that we may know how many tickets will be available for those who cannot attend the-day sessions, but want to attend the Barn Dancée 1. Your receipt admits you to the two day sessions, 10 to 12 and 2 to 4, Oct. 28, in the Ballroom. It will serve as a ticket to the Barn Dance if you have attended at least one of the day sessions. Receipts will be punched at the door. 2. If you wish to bring as a date to the Barn Danee someone who hasn't attended the day sessions, there will be an extra charge of 25¢, to be paid when you register or at tre door. : 3. A limited number of housemothers or others wishing to watch the dances may purchase Spectator Tickets for 50g eachs These tickets admit to any or all of the sessions. Please inform your hosemother or friends about this, and ask them to call KU 83, or go to Room 105, Robinson Gym for reservations or tickets. 4. Remember to wear comfortable clothes, shorts, slacks and"flats" for the day sessions: blue jeans, gingham, and hill+billy attire for the Barn Dance. A prize will be awarded to the lcorniest Couples" 5. All sessions begin promptly: 10 to 12 aems 2 to 4 Pele 9 to 12 pems Anyone wishing to attend the luncheon Saturday noon, 12:30, honoring Dre Duggan, should make a reservation KU 83, or Room 105, Gym. Tickets are 40¢6 6. Dr. Duggan has requested that attendance at the Barn Dance be necessarily limited to 150 couples because of the space required for dancing. Tickets for the Barn Dance only 75¢ date or stag, may be purchased at 105 Robinson Gym beginning Tuesday, Oct. 24. SATURDAY, Ootober 28 The Department of Physical Education, the Y.M.CAe, the Y.W.C.A., and the Advisers of Men and Women are ccoper- ating in plans to bring Dr. Anne Schley Duggan to the Unive ersity of Kansas on October 28 for special teaching sessiens of folk dancese Dr. Duggan, who is head of the physical education de- partment at the Texas State College for Women, Denton, Texas, is one of the outstanding dance teachers in the country. She ranks along with Elizabeth Burchenal and Mary Weod Hinman, both experts in the folk dance. Dre Duggan received her undergraduate training at Baylor College for Women, Belten, Texas, and her graduate work was done at Columbia University, New York City, where she received both the master's and doctor's degreese Dre Duggan will teach authentic dances which she is preparing to publish in book forme The copies will be avail- able on mimeographed sheets. Dances which will be taught include Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Swiss, English, and early American. All sessiens of the Festival will be held in the Memorial Union ballrooms The hours are 10 to 12 jn the morning, 2 to 4 in the afternoon, and 9 to 12 at nighte The registration feo is $1.25 for adults and 75¢ for students (University, high school, junior high). This will admit te all three sessions of the Festival. If you care to register early, the fee will be $1.00 for adults and 50¢ for studentse This early registration foe may be sent to the Physical Education Office, room 105 Robinson Gymnasiume The program Saturday night will be climaxed by the "Pirst Annaul Jayhawker Barn Dance", in the Memorial Union baal room, from 9 to 12 peme A hill~billy band will furnish the musice Miss Jane Byrn, ef the K. U, Physical Education De~ partment, is chairman of a committee planning the program for the Barn Dance, which will include various contests, a spelling bee, hog calling, cornhusking, and so forthe To: Organization Representatives fer the K.U. Dance Festival From: The Central Committee After the meeting last night wth Dr. Allen, the Finance Committee for the Festival met to discuss the questions you raised Im regard te bringing dates te the Bapatekce, Taking into considerationathe expense of bringing Or. Duggan and her group of eight toe the campus, the request from some of you that girls)be given the opportunity to invite dates to the party, as well as me n and eur desire to aveold discrimination in this matter, we have reached the concluston you see listed below as number (2). Yeu ere urged te register in DOr, Allen's of ttece as soon as possible, so that we may know how many tickets will be avail- able tor xkexBaxndanerk those who®cannot attend the day sessions but want to si tend the Bereulace. i. Yeur receipt admits you to the two day sessions, 10 to i> ged 2 ta 4, Oet, 28, in the Galiveuwm, Ef will serve 34 3 ticket to the Barndance if you have attended at least one of the aS) agéy sessions, .Beceipts wil! be punched at fhe door, 24 Ft you wish te bring as a date te the Barndtace someone ° who hasntt attended the day sessions, there will be an extra charge of 25¢, to be paid when you register or at the door. 3. A limited number of housemothers or others wishing to watch the dances may purchase Spectator Tickets for 50¢ each. These tickets admit be any or all of the sessions. Please inéorm your housemother or friends about this, and ask them to call KU 83, or go to Room 105, Robinson Gym tor reservations or tickets. aJe 4, Remember to wear comforé#adble clothes, shorts, slacks anadkkeeeed and "flats" tor the day sessions; Mlue jeans, gingham, and hill-billy attire for the Barnpance. A prize will be awarded to the "Coratest Couple”. 5. All sessions begin promptly: }0 te 12 é.m%, 2 to 4 pele 9 to 12 poems Anyone wishing to attend the luncheon Saturday noon, 12380, honoring Dr. Duggan, should make a reservation KU 83, or Roem 105, Gym. Tickets are 40/. 6. Dr. Duggan has requested that attendance at the Barnglance be necessarily iintiee to [50 couples baeedns of the space required for dancing. - Tickets for the Barnbnce only, 75¢ date or stag, may be purchased af 105 Robinson Gym beginning Tuesday, Oct, 24, First Annual Dance Festival University of Kansas October 28, 1939 Dr. Anne Schley Duggan, head of the Department of Health and Physical Education atTExas State College tor Women, Denton, Texas, has reached the "tep” in her profession in a very short timee At the age of thirty-four, she heads one of the largest physical education departments for women in the United States, supervising a statt of twelve and working with 125 major students. Last spring at the Tulsa-Convention, she was elected president of the Southern District in the National Health and Physical Education Association, en honor reserved tor those few men or women whose contributions are so outstanding that they are recognized throughout this large district. Upon completéng the work tor her PhD, at Columbia University, she became a member of the CofBmb ia summer school beauty, 4 position she has held in addition to her regular winter work every summer since then. It is during these summers in New York City that she has had an opportunity to do the research neces- a for her unique work in the field of folk dancing. With her assistant, who is able to take down the music as it is sung or played, Anne Schley Duggan has visited every ditterent nationality group in New York City ¥ learn from them the most authentic folk dances of their nation. She has been made an honorary member of most of the eoues and participates with them in their annual festivals. These are the dances she has introduced to students and taculty members at Columbia University and the New York School of Social Research, in the same way that she will introduce them to KeU. students October 28. These are Duggan page 2 authentic dances, heretotore unpublished, which will be available in mimeographed torm tor those who attend the Dance Festival. Dr. Duggan will teach the dances that the various ethnological groups use as pure recreations, and not any of the highly technical ritualistic dances. The dances will be demonstrated and taught with the assistance of tive physical a. statft members and three wa er students frem 1.5.C.W. One et the statt members who is coming was tor two ree on the women's All- American hockey team, and on the All-American ka Crosse team in 1935. Another statf member is a tormer president of the 1T.5.C.W. student body, which numbers over 2,000 girls, making it the largest resident girls' school in the world. American, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, fieaiek, Swiss, English, and Slavic dances will be taught, in addition to modern versions of folk tunes such as “Beer Barrel Polka” and the schottische step tor "Man With the Mandolin". Dr. Duggan has taught these dances to all types of groups from university presidents to professional football players and all have been equally enthusiastic about her. Her youth and her dynamic personality have made her a favorite in whatever group she finds herselt. Comfortable clothes, shorts, slacks, and flat shoes should be worn to all sessions as this kind of dancing covers more space and requires more energy than even the most intricate "jitter-bugging". November €, 1939. Group ty of sit thing your the Direstor of Phy Edueation end Recreation, Yaruity Haahetiell Conahs tion, that you wal at for us ) to come your an Very sincerely yours, ne edes ‘ aH FoAs AH £ THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR WOMEN LINCOLN November 3, 1939 Dr. Forest Allen, Dept. of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Dr, Allen: All who attended the Folk Dance Festival ‘had a glorious time and we wish to thank you for giving us the opportunity to have a part in it. It was splendid to meet with your group on your campus. Perhaps some day we can have you all as our guests, Our students appreciated very much the special attention from your majors. It was very considerate of them to plan the special entertainment for them. We teachers enjoyed just as much the afternoon tea, With all good wishes, | Sincerely, Make fee Mabel Lee, Director ML: AM