To: Organization Representatives fer the K.U. Dance Festival From: The Central Committee After the meeting last night wth Dr. Allen, the Finance Committee for the Festival met to discuss the questions you raised Im regard te bringing dates te the Bapatekce, Taking into considerationathe expense of bringing Or. Duggan and her group of eight toe the campus, the request from some of you that girls)be given the opportunity to invite dates to the party, as well as me n and eur desire to aveold discrimination in this matter, we have reached the concluston you see listed below as number (2). Yeu ere urged te register in DOr, Allen's of ttece as soon as possible, so that we may know how many tickets will be avail- able tor xkexBaxndanerk those who®cannot attend the day sessions but want to si tend the Bereulace. i. Yeur receipt admits you to the two day sessions, 10 to i> ged 2 ta 4, Oet, 28, in the Galiveuwm, Ef will serve 34 3 ticket to the Barndance if you have attended at least one of the aS) agéy sessions, .Beceipts wil! be punched at fhe door, 24 Ft you wish te bring as a date te the Barndtace someone ° who hasntt attended the day sessions, there will be an extra charge of 25¢, to be paid when you register or at the door. 3. A limited number of housemothers or others wishing to watch the dances may purchase Spectator Tickets for 50¢ each. These tickets admit be any or all of the sessions. Please inéorm your housemother or friends about this, and ask them to call KU 83, or go to Room 105, Robinson Gym tor reservations or tickets.