Duggan page 2 authentic dances, heretotore unpublished, which will be available in mimeographed torm tor those who attend the Dance Festival. Dr. Duggan will teach the dances that the various ethnological groups use as pure recreations, and not any of the highly technical ritualistic dances. The dances will be demonstrated and taught with the assistance of tive physical a. statft members and three wa er students frem 1.5.C.W. One et the statt members who is coming was tor two ree on the women's All- American hockey team, and on the All-American ka Crosse team in 1935. Another statf member is a tormer president of the 1T.5.C.W. student body, which numbers over 2,000 girls, making it the largest resident girls' school in the world. American, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, fieaiek, Swiss, English, and Slavic dances will be taught, in addition to modern versions of folk tunes such as “Beer Barrel Polka” and the schottische step tor "Man With the Mandolin". Dr. Duggan has taught these dances to all types of groups from university presidents to professional football players and all have been equally enthusiastic about her. Her youth and her dynamic personality have made her a favorite in whatever group she finds herselt. Comfortable clothes, shorts, slacks, and flat shoes should be worn to all sessions as this kind of dancing covers more space and requires more energy than even the most intricate "jitter-bugging".