— Po, “Tr Nave Ny OF ay : ce e 4 on oe ayish J ’ , Swedish Asqv evade. nh EEF ee teice Nency Duggan - Danish SYEDISH MASQJRADE An interesting dance in three different meters indicative of changing step patterns, "4" is danced to 4/4 meter, rae +o 3/4, and "oc" to 2,4, | Formation: Any number of couples in a double circte facine counter-clockwise, Worn taxes man's inside aru, Both begin outside feet (man L, women R). Se ee Counts Measure: A. 16 walking stos in large counter~clock- wise circle, turning toward partacr to face clockwise on last two counts 1,2,3,4,etc. 8 Repeat, moving clockwise and turning tovard partner to fece counter- clockwise on last two counts 8 B, With inside hands joined, free hends on hip; beginning with outside feet, poth dance 4 waltz stevs in place; turning altern- ately away from anc toward pertner, Swing joined hends forverd anc. back, 1,253, ete. 4, In sociel dence position, turn clockwise . and promress counterclockwise with 4 waltz steps 14259 59CC. 4 Repeat all 8 CG, With insite hands joined, outside hands on hips, elternetcly turn away from and toverd eacn other, 16 hopsa steps* in plece, alterneting outside and inside fect, and swinting joined hendcs etronciy for» werd and back. 1 & 2, ete, 16 *The hopse steno is denced thus: Leap or jump to L (cet, 1) Step R across in front of L, R knee reised ana turned outverd (ct. &) Stevo L in place (ct. 2) Repect, loeping to R, etc, Nane. Do AY) Swedish pa pee Swedish Schottische | Nano; Duggan Swedish SWEDISH SCHOTTISCHE This is a favorite dance of the Swedish people, It is quite Similar to the Norwegian Reinlendar in spirit and in step pattern, Formation: A ny number of couples in a double circle facing counter~-clockwise, man on L of partner, The men places his R arm around his pertner'’s waist while she places her L hand | on his R shoulder, Both pla ce outside hands on hips, Both begin outside feet, Le Counts Measures A. 8 walking steps forward, with a slight houneé i@ oe S668. « sc ct tt tee el By OOO, CF B. 8 step~hops, continuing to move forward, . 1 &, etc, 4 Lié A. Social dance position, voman dances 1 gchottische step to L side of man while he dances 1 schottische step if) pieee « « ‘ aba 2 eae 8 1 Woman dances 1 schottische step returning to R side of «tan while he dances 1 schottischs a pe ee ee ee ee ee ee j-4 B, Progressing counter=-clockwise in large circle, partners turn clockwise with 4 gtep-hops, free leg extended giightly BO 010M « «ee 6 ts te ee FB Gy SUG, C Repent A enh By 66a eee lk tt tiie A, Pertners facing in single circle, R hands joined, L hands on hips, woman moves backwerd, man forve rd, with 2 schottisehe ee ee 2 B, Wonan turns R under joined R hands while man continues to one forward with ee ee 2 Repeat A and B, The circle continucs to nove COUMLOPWOLOCETILESs 4 9 6 6h 4 ee 4 iva A and B, S ame step patterns as A and B of Step III. The man, however, folds his axmms on his chest and the woman nolds her aire 16 Dot Pees 6 ck ke ei ek wee ee 8 ~2- Ve Counts Meéesures A, W oman on R in original position (as in Step I) man turns in place while woman dances around hin in &. omeer. ‘eglockwinse circle with 2 schottische steps, . ££. ee & he ee ee 2 B, 4 step-hops forward (as mo of Mee fF) 2s ct te 2 Ropens- A am Di. s+ a ee a — oe (eine wv os Vi«w : A, Both hands joined with arms crossed behind backs, couples move diagonally forward L toward a of circle with 3 step-hops., i ai ~n ee eae Touch inside heel to for, (man! 3 Ry wonan's L) and shout they 1" eas 2 Holds « 6 4 4 06 6 Ce we ee ES & 2 B, Repeat A, beginning with inside feet and moving dagenes ty forward R, away from originel c rele, to touch outside heels to floor (man's L, wonen® R). ee ibiéa Repeat A end B C oe ae Se Se : . 42 2 2:3 ££ @& 8 ee SS 4 Vils A, R hands joined, man stamps L foot and knecls on R knec, holding position while woman dances in counter=-clockwise circle around partner with S eGHeVGi gene O5Gris, + 6b tt kt th hh he; 2 B, tn position of Step I, both move forward with 4 step-hops, beginning Outeice Tegts « 1 ts Repent A emh 8 ss 6 6 6 8s 6 ae a 4, Vilis A, Partners move diagonally forvard, turning away from cach other, with 1 schottigche step (man L, woman R), « « «6 » » 1 P artnors move toward each other with 2 steps and a atamp, (man R,L,R, woman L,R, L) e . ° ° e © ° e e e e . . e e . 8 ° . e 1 B, Men placcs both hands cn wonan' waist while she places both hends on man's shoulders, ers atreaight, both turn Aseewl ss with & phopehOots 6c eae we ee eee 2 Repeat &£ and B, The large circle continucs to move counter-clockwise, . . 1. « TXe A, In position ao in Step ft, woman danecs to man's L and back £9 his R while he dances in place with 2 achottische SUGDOe 6 +e we ee ee B. S houlder and waist grasp, partners turn clockwise, progressing countcr-clock- wise, with 4, step=-hops, as in B of Step VIII... Repeat A and B except that after @ step<-hops in B, man tosses woman high in sir, Woman bends her knees, and springs up= ward, feet together, pressing down on ana" s sh oulders with straight arns, while he lifts her with both hands at her wei it, 4 Ce s oe . e ¢ e ° s ° Counts Messures os 8 © 4 Nancy Diggan Sus 83 S Weg A's song From huzeyvn +.6. « Weg 4 1s 6h Shoes hor stecKings | peed we don Hol dé ri die | hol di aw hol di a PHol di vi di a |Holdivi dia |hol di via a. & e Interl de_ hel dia. — U On the lave we aif shell 4 6, See the pretty fick tbalaws , Weggis hat, the highest bial Boys and giris cheer with a will, Nangy Duggan Swiss Wegeis Dance (Veg-cis Dance) This is a favorite singing dance of the Swiss people. It takes its name from Weggis, a town in Switzerland and commemorates in @ sense, one of the favorite cross-country treks{from Luzerne to Wegeis) in which the Swiss people enzazge. They often sing and dance while ‘travelling along this route. Formations Any number of couples in a double circle facing counter~ Clockwise. Partners join both hands, skating grasp, man on the L. Both begin L foote There is a three bar interlude between each figure during which couples asstime the position,in which the subsequent figure is to be danced. e | , a Counts Measures . A. Touch L heel forward L @ ! Touch L toe in front of R ; 1 & 1 polka step forward, beginning with hop on R anilece 2 Repeat 5 times, alternating R, L, Rs Women free R foot at finish 6 B, With hands on hips, partners separate (Woman to R, man to L) turning slightly away from each other with (man's part described woman's opposite) 3 Slide L to side 4 Close R to L & Slide L to side a Hop L, raising R in back of L : & - Repeat, beginning R, moving toward partner i With shoulder=waist grasp, couples turn Clockwise, ciréle moving counter-clockwise withs . 4 stepehops | e _ Repeat all of B : 4 interludes Partners face, joining both hands, . Tne hands toward center of circle are slightly down, the hands away from the center of circle curved slightly overhead, 5 | Ils A, Heel and toe polka as in A of Step I, moving sideward toward center of circle and away from center of circle 8 By, Ae in B of Step i, 8 Interlude: Couples face countersclockwise and join both hands in skating grasp. Both begin L, 7 5 ~ Qe Lite Counts Measures A. Step L to side 1 Point R across in front of L e Step R to side i Point L across in front of R 2 2 2 polka steps forward, beginning with hop R, ; then L . 2 B. As in B of Step I . 8 interlude: Partners face in a double circle with man's back toward center, R hands are joined high, the L hands on hips. Both begin L. ; 3 IV. A. Step L to side : Point R across in front re ‘Step R to side. «Point L across in front of R Exchange places in a half circle counter-= Clockwise with; WO HOH 2 polka steps beginning with hop on R; then L , 2 Repeat A, returning to own place B. Repeat B as in Step I, 3 interludes Partners facing in double circle, Man's back toward center, Inside hands joined high, outside hands on hips. Both begin outeide feet, —— | 5 Ve A, Partners turn away from each other, swinging joined hands sharply forward and progressing in line of direction. Each makes & complcte turn withs : 2 step hops | L1&2&@ 1 Join outside hands. (Woman's R, Man's L) free hand on hip, 1 step sideward (woman R, man L) x Man bows, bringing feet together Woman curtseys, placing L slichtly behind R 2 4 Repeat, reversing feet and directions to move in circle counter-clockwise e Repeat all of A, B, Repeat B as in Step I, 4 ga ADVISORY BOARD Theodore Paullin, Chairman Prof. J.J. Wheeler, Vice-Chairman Prof. Harold G. Ingham, Treasurer Prof. Allen Crafton George Docking Prof. Jens P. Jensen Dean Paul B. Lawson Fred S. Montgomery Dean F., J. Moreau Prof. Bert A. Nash Prof. R. H. Wheeler Rev. Joseph F. King STUDENT OFFICERS Kermit Franks, President Brent Campbell, Vice-President Gerald Banker, Secretary Edward Wiles, Finance Dr. Young F.C, Allen University of Kansas Men’s Christian Association Room 5, Memorial Union Building Lawrence, Kansas Executive Secretary JOHN J. O. MOORE October 10, 1939 Robinson Gymnasium University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: eR tee for the ciple Delite de: nfbrn. eur -eonversetion*é¢atting the guar an- ance carnival October 28, STUDENT CABINET Ernest Klema, Membership Hartwell Jewell, Concessions Lloyd Estes, Jack Stephenson, Sam Iwig, Publicity Gordon Brigham, Richard Rupp, Reinterpretation of Religion Charles Wright, Creative Leisure Donald Hayman, Eugene Nininger, Freshman Council Charles Yeomans, Ed Price, Bill Miller, Personal Relations Jim Hughes, Bob Collett, Conferences Elijah Cole, Wallace Dooley, Richard McCann, Charles Johnson, Social Action Keith Schuerman, Forums a AEG. Providing all the organizations come through as expected, the physical education department should guarantee a min- imun of $35 and a maximum of ¥50. It is my understanding that the organizations underwriting the budget will divide any deficit in proportion to their You will, of course, let me know if there should be any change in this arrangement. guarantee. JJOM: ew Sincerely, John J.0. Moore Executive Secretary KE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Lawrence Department of Physical Education October 17, 1939. Dear Have you arranged for that date with the Folk Dance Clinic and Festival at the University of Kansas, October 28th? Better do it immediately, if you haven't already § Dr. Anne Duggan, from Texas State College for Women; one of the most prominent folk dance leaders, is to be here = so you know what wonderful instruction and inspiration you will receive. We extend to you and your students a most urgent Do come, for it is something you can't afford to misse Your early registrations may be sent to the Physieal Education Office, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase: invitatione Sincerely yours, fech J Herons REGISTRATION FOR FOLK DANCE FESTIVAL University of Kansas October 28, 1939 No. of Adult registrations ($1.00 each) Amt. enclosed 8°” ee A OH Noe of Student registrations a me oe ($.50 each) Amt. enclosed $ Lt A A a I ln a Noe of reservations for luncheon at 12:30 ($240 cach) _ ee (Note; The above registration fee is for early registrations only; persons registering on Saturday, October 28, will pay %1.25 and 75¢. This registra- tion fec admits to the two day sessions and also to the Barm Dance at night.) Ostober 25, 1959 To Members of the Physice] Education Department: T «deve it would be well for us te do all we can to en- ’ a courage our foal Education majors to register for the Folk Dance Festival to be held at the University on Saturday, October 28 ‘This is a rere opportunity for them to reecive instruction = a dances from Dre Duggan, an outstanding loader in this OlGe Dre Mabel Lee, of the University of Nobrasia, is bringing two oerlosds of people who desire to attend the Festivel, and I understand thet « like number expect to come from Pittsburg, Hays, ‘Kansas Wesleyan, Ottowa and Baker Universities, and Ruth Baker, of Salina, hes sent her registration. When our owm slumnd from over the state, as well as physica] education people from neigh- boring states feel it worth while to attend these ses«fons, cer=- thinly our own students eannot efford to miss this opportunity. Students registering before Saturday my do so for 60g, but the registration fee on Satur 6 7i¢. This registration is for the three sessions of the Fostivalel0 to 12 in the morning, 2 to 4 in the afternoon, and the barn Dense from 9 to 12 Saturdey nights Registration is made at the Physical Education office, 105 Pobinson Gymesiumse I would appreciate it if you would take time in your classes on Thuredey and Friday to read this commmication to your stwients and urge their participation in this Felk Dance peatsyele Thenking you for your seeperatien, I am Sineerely yours, Direetor of Physical Edueation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coache FCA tm - ~ — ee — ee ee z — — ee eee ~ mn a — ———— “ — _— _ / } REGISTRATION FOR FOLK DANCE FESTIVAL University of Kansas October 28, 1939. i No, of Adult registrations / ($1.00 is ue, enclose 1. 2 C .. Noe of Student registrations = — ($.50 each) Amt. enclosed $ —_ CR A ONC A A Noe of reservations for luncheon at 12:30 ($440 cach) —— ao (Note: The above registration fee is for early registrations, only; persons registering on Saturday, October 28, will pay °1.25 and 75¢. This registra- tion fec admits to the two day sessions and also to the Barn Dance at night) mes ee he bcteken, aF 1939 L. W. MAYBERRY, SuPERINTENDENT BENJ. W. TRUESDELL, Vice-PRINcIPAL DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION WicHITA HicH ScHOoL EAST L. W. BROOKS, PrRINcIPAL BOYS DEPARTMENT INSTRUCTORS WicuiTa, Kansas GIRLS DEPARTMENT INSTRUCTORS R. E. KANEHL, HEAD OF DEPT. FLORA STEBBINS, HEAD OF DEPT. D. L. ARCHER EDITH MARY MARTIN E. L. COX HOPE DAWLEY D. M. WILSON FERNE S. FOCHT E THELMA HUMPHREY Octebe. ab, 19 39 Prean Vis Fe : ~~ ey ee ee 44.78 ¢ PHILIP C. KING PRESIDENT ©. 1. MCEACHRON ~ Washburn Colle ge ELLA M. PIXLEY SECRETARY L. D. WHITTEMORE REGISTRAR JESSIE DEAN October 265 1939 LIBRARIAN Topeka, Kansas Miss Ruth Hoover University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Miss Hoover: A. G. SELLEN DEAN, COLLEGE HARRY K, ALLEN DEAN, SCHOOL OF LAW IRA PRATT DEAN, SCHOOL OF MUSIC SUSAN M, GUILD DEAN OF WOMEN CLEVELAND S, LOPER DEAN OF MEN Enclosed please find check for two dollars ($2.00) for one adult and two student registrations for the Folk Dance Festival being held October 28, 1939. We will also like to make reservations for luncheon if the group plans to stay together. Sincerely yours, Dt Hon eek Betty Hornish BH/s eg KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI " Oct. 24, 1939 Miss Ruth Hoover Dept. of Physical Education Kansas University. Dear Miss Hoover: Fnclosed is one dollar for a reservation to the Folk Dance Clinic to be held at the University this Saturday. I also wish to make a reservation for the luncheon Saturday noon. Very truly yours Neher a (Saugen LINWOOD RURAL HIGH SCHOOL W.L. KIESTER, PRINCIPAL BOARD OF EDUCATION LINWOOD, KANSAS FACULTY A. H. ENGLE, PRESIDENT October 24 : 1939 W. L. KIESTER WILLIAM TORNEDON, CLERK SOCIAL SCIENCES ; - TREAS. CHAS. OELSCHLAEGER H. K. KUEBLER MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE IDA JEAN POLSON ° HOME ECONOMICS AND COMMERCE GLEN ZIMMERMAN INDUSTRIAL ARTS AND ATHLETICS EDITH T. REEL MUSIC AND ENGLISH Bro. ty Alien Physical Education Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I am enclosing a check for $1.00 in payment for the fee which entitles me to attend the folk dancing festival at K. U. on October 86 Sincerely yours, IJdP:DR Ida Jean Polson Encl. Welle Worn " Gt 323 7 Al Cela oT — bord, October 234 1959. Your check for 75¢ for registration for the Folk Dence Festival was received in the mail this to be registered (student I will be glad te send the slip which will admit you to the dence sessionse You will, of course, be protected in your early registration fee. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coachs FORT SCOTT JUNIOR COLLEGE FORT SCOTT HIGH SCHOOL FortT ScoTT, KANSAS Ww. S. DAVISON, DEAN AND PRINCIPAL (Det. 18, $4 REGISTRATION FOR FOLK DANCE FESTIVAL University of Kansas October 28, 1939 ___ ($1.00 each) Amt. enclosed $1.00 _ No. of Adult registrations one AE A ee a No. of Student registrations ($250 each) Amt. enclosed $ ae er. mes ae oe atone Noe of reservations for luncheon at 12:30 ($40 cach) _ one | (Note; The above registration fee is for early registrations only; persons registering on Saturday, October 28, will pay °1.25 and 75¢,. This registra= tion fec admits to the two day sessions and also to the Barn Dance at night.) ae KANSAS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE W. A. BRANDENBURG, A. M., LL.D., PRESIDENT PITTSBURG, KANSAS 3 October 20, 1939 Miss Ruth Hoover, ee Department of Physical Baucation, University of Kansas, oa Lawrence, Kansas. My dear Miss Hoovers-= | Enclosed you will find $1.00 and the registration blank, for which please record my registration for the Folk Dance Festival on October 28th. Thank you. Sincerely yours, A] nes) Wootton 5 Department of Physical Hducation