Nangy Duggan Swiss Wegeis Dance (Veg-cis Dance) This is a favorite singing dance of the Swiss people. It takes its name from Weggis, a town in Switzerland and commemorates in @ sense, one of the favorite cross-country treks{from Luzerne to Wegeis) in which the Swiss people enzazge. They often sing and dance while ‘travelling along this route. Formations Any number of couples in a double circle facing counter~ Clockwise. Partners join both hands, skating grasp, man on the L. Both begin L foote There is a three bar interlude between each figure during which couples asstime the position,in which the subsequent figure is to be danced. e | , a Counts Measures . A. Touch L heel forward L @ ! Touch L toe in front of R ; 1 & 1 polka step forward, beginning with hop on R anilece 2 Repeat 5 times, alternating R, L, Rs Women free R foot at finish 6 B, With hands on hips, partners separate (Woman to R, man to L) turning slightly away from each other with (man's part described woman's opposite) 3 Slide L to side 4 Close R to L & Slide L to side a Hop L, raising R in back of L : & - Repeat, beginning R, moving toward partner i With shoulder=waist grasp, couples turn Clockwise, ciréle moving counter-clockwise withs . 4 stepehops | e _ Repeat all of B : 4 interludes Partners face, joining both hands, . Tne hands toward center of circle are slightly down, the hands away from the center of circle curved slightly overhead, 5 | Ils A, Heel and toe polka as in A of Step I, moving sideward toward center of circle and away from center of circle 8 By, Ae in B of Step i, 8 Interlude: Couples face countersclockwise and join both hands in skating grasp. Both begin L, 7 5