Ostober 25, 1959 To Members of the Physice] Education Department: T «deve it would be well for us te do all we can to en- ’ a courage our foal Education majors to register for the Folk Dance Festival to be held at the University on Saturday, October 28 ‘This is a rere opportunity for them to reecive instruction = a dances from Dre Duggan, an outstanding loader in this OlGe Dre Mabel Lee, of the University of Nobrasia, is bringing two oerlosds of people who desire to attend the Festivel, and I understand thet « like number expect to come from Pittsburg, Hays, ‘Kansas Wesleyan, Ottowa and Baker Universities, and Ruth Baker, of Salina, hes sent her registration. When our owm slumnd from over the state, as well as physica] education people from neigh- boring states feel it worth while to attend these ses«fons, cer=- thinly our own students eannot efford to miss this opportunity. Students registering before Saturday my do so for 60g, but the registration fee on Satur 6 7i¢. This registration is for the three sessions of the Fostivalel0 to 12 in the morning, 2 to 4 in the afternoon, and the barn Dense from 9 to 12 Saturdey nights Registration is made at the Physical Education office, 105 Pobinson Gymesiumse I would appreciate it if you would take time in your classes on Thuredey and Friday to read this commmication to your stwients and urge their participation in this Felk Dance peatsyele Thenking you for your seeperatien, I am Sineerely yours, Direetor of Physical Edueation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coache FCA tm