group dances of our encestors in which they aoquired u eenee of social soliderity, it would not heorm us to learn how Me feele to form part of — & comon pattern, ond to perticipate in @ group movement fare nore powers” ful than anything we could possible make alone, 11 these ines teve played vitel parte in primitive cbviltsetions, ind sre not to be despised in Gur Gen,» it ie an exhilereting experience to get the "feei" of novenent that covers space instead of norely altering the reletions of parte of the : body to onch other, it is equally etimleting to get the “feel” of design thet fe © logioal outgroeth of the netorial et hend, belenoed ond tnventives If this ie not form in the cathetio. sone, ib ts at loast textures and ‘eortsinly At is no smell thing to nore to music that is so simple, so rich end so genuinely the expression of honect feeling as thet whieh belongs by right to the danoon of the follte ro | Tf att these things involve vendslism (end there is no intention here to argue ‘that Urey do not) let the purist mike the most of theme the teeue is —— toohnicals