Na iy Louce ceLeny Pr onounced na ty Llot«e zeieny (In the Green Mes:aow) ‘Cz ech Formation: Purtners in a double cirele, girl on the right. ‘the circle moves countercLocsawise. The music consists of tuwenty-vour messures. In fitting the steps to the music, each measure should be counted " onc, wwo, three," (Meas. 1-2). - Grasp inside henus, outsiue nenu on the hip. beginning with the outside foot, tuke two woltz steps. ‘the first step is taken forward, and the second in pluce. Swing the «rms forwsrd on the first sucp und backward on the second, and turn the boay in th: airection of the move- ment. (Meas. 3-4) * two waits stops, making a haif-turn outward. Dowie the ums fortupward as the first siep is taken, ut the cume time releasing, pertncr's had, bec Pivzure 3. (ileus. 5-8) - hepeat Measures 1-4, the circle movin, in the opposite di reaction. P- (leas. 9-16) Girl steps eround in front of purtncr, thus foring a Single circle. Gird, with hands on hips, takes ci;ht witts secps for- ward, turmin;, tontinuocusly, right. poy follows with cight Dilancing steps aLtcmutine right apd Lert. He Gleps Ais Bendsé on bhe Tirst count of caeh Me isu ets . (Meas.17-24)- Social dancing position. Hight waits Gbeps, turning, con- tigously, Fiché. —