WELCOME HOMB"CASEY" 4 Our mutuel friend "Cesey" Stengel ~ = (it used to be “Dutch")= - is coming back home to manage the Kanses City Blues. About a hundred of his old friends, neighbors, school mates and former teemmates sre getting together the night of March 27th, Tuesday, g/ 6:30 PM ~ Aztec Room = President Hotel - - where there'll be plenty of as + reminiscing; lots of food, some “appetizers” before eating; a few short ee "story telling" speeches, and just a lot of good clean fun. ‘ib VANT 4 YOU THEKE 1 “John Q. Public” is not invited. Pell ost you = * ! i ) Whotll be there ? Guys you haven't seen for yearse = old ee ah -— = oe — = ” ' = yo Seams Some ex-big leaguers all friends of "Casey's" = For he ple ( George “Red” Treutman » Prese American Ass'n» Base Ball Leagues ee Dre Fe Co *Phog" Allen = & “runner-up” Coach from Kansas Unive YY 4 Vie Oe Hamilton = A swell Caach in them "daze"e ; et Le Le Touton = Taught Casey how to pitohe. Sa U Frank Welch » Caught Caseyts pitchin! e Wore Harold “Buzz" Woodbury » Lugged the old pigskin with hime es Ee Ae "Fuzz" Barlow = He was no "foul~baller". tae fenny Hamilten « No relation to We O» Y yaad Major Hiram Avery = Pleyed guerd with the boye Roy Sanders "Cot" Tigrney A few of the exebig Zack Wheat leaguer playmates. "Dutch" Zwilling "Kid" Nichols ) and a hundred other “old men" whom you'll be surprised and happy to see agains Vetll have a few guests, also Press and Kedio representatives - perhaps »a little entertainment. It'll be your loss if you're not there - = but we must know for sure if you are coming = - we “albee commit ourselves in advence for so many plates and so many “cases". Ne must hear from you before March 2Oths Mail your check making it payeble to sither Lederman or Brown of the following Committee and a ticket will be mailed to youe Chairman + Harold Lederman= Goldman Jewelry = 646 Minne Aver Kansas City, Kansase Le V. "Red" Brown » Lowe & Campbell- 1511 Baltimore, Kansas City, Moe Judge Ben Terte = Court House George Goldman - Goldman Jewelry Kanses City,Mo. Villiam "Bill" Gardwer =~ Fire Patrol Hdqtse