luggan Norwegian Furetur fraa Kowerike (Little four fpanece) Sets of two couples arrenged in double circle, one couple facing counterciockwise, the other cougie facing clockwise. hanas «re joinec in circle with elbows benv. Feet are held close together, feet and body turned toward the bs Abd OOEAN bes ds 6 resting steps forward, alternatin,, L and it. (kesting step- step L, close k toe to L instep without taking wei,ht and hold) 6 measures Step L so as to face center of small circle, close K to L (heel to heel) and hold 1 measure Step backward R, point L forward, straight knee, and hoid lL measure kepeat all in opposite or counter clockwise direction, beginning L 8 measures Ii. : Face partner and chain { grand & and L ) with 16 resting steps, : beginning L 16 measures Til. Partners bow to each other 4 measures (wlan: L hand at hip, k at side, ana feet tozether. As the trunk is bent forwaru, the K hand is swung sideward, then forward ena plecea over heert. whe trunk is straightened while the R hand is swung forward, side- ward, end lowerea to side. (Woman: Feet together anu sxirt hela by thumbs ana forefingers, palms straight beekward. whe hk foot 1s vointed in front, then circled arouna to the buck; Knees ana trunk are bent and the weight is tekken on the k foot. Knees are straight- ened und the L foot brought 10 the hk, ofter which the trunk is straightenec.) le waltz steps in social agencing position. linish in position to repeat the dance. lz meusures