FIRST AID le Which of the following classes of eceidents results in the greatest number of 2. In whieh room of the howe do the greatest nuiber of serious accidents cecurt 3. that are the chief precautions which should be taken to prevent injuries in the kitchen? oe 4. How can you provent accidents on the stairs of your home? S. that type of accident results in one half of all home accident deaths? 6. that precautions should be taken when poisonous materials must be kept in the house? 7. liow can livingeroom seeidents be prevented? 8. iow can you guard ageinst fires, burns, and shock from electricity? 9. that ore the two most important causes of hove eecident deaths sncng ohiléren less than 5 years of age? $0. aw eum you pecs the mere commen types Of Weltween cockilentet ll. should be taken to prevent accidents due w the escape of 12, Vint can be done to prevent persons from being overecme by carbon monoxide gas? 15. Yow cm accidents in the seller be prevanted?