1. Ze Se 4. Se FIRST AID What is meant by the Pasteur treatment? In what per cent of cases is the use of it effective? Name the best known poisonous snake groups in the United States. Discuss the prevention of snake bites. What are the symptoms of snake-bites? When may the greatest. severity of symptons be expected to occur? Discuss fully the treatment for snake-bite as outlined in ' your text. 6. Te 8. 9. 10. Is there a serum on the market for the treatment of bites other than those of the coral snake? Name it. What do we mean by the skin irritation, “sea nettles"? What is the treatment ? | What treatment is suggested in your text for the treatment of poison ivy? In the “black widow" spider family, which gender of the species is relatively harmless? What are the symptoms of and treatment for "black widow" spider bite?