FIRST AID 1. The Pasteur treatment: A preventive treatment for rabies. it is almost 100% effective. 2. The poisnous snake group in the United States are Coral snakes and the pit-vipers, which include the rattle snakes, coppesheads, and cotton-mouth moccasins. 3. 75% of snake bites are in the lower extremity. Wear high-topped shoes, poots, or heavy leggings. 22% occur on hands and arms, should be careful . about putting hands in places where you might be bitten. 4, Pain is severe, swellin ecurs rapidly. Symptoms of shock; weak pulse, nausea and aa ce weekness soon begin to develop. The greatest severity of the symptoms is not reached for several hours. 5, Have patient lie down and keep quiet. Tie a constricting bandages @round the limb just above the bite, make the veins standout, should be tight enough to prevent blood from flowing back in the veins, but not tight e: enough to prevent the blood from flowing through the arteries. About every ten minutes, realease one minute, then retighten. As swelling progresses, the bandage should be moved higher up the limb. Sterilize a sharp knife or razor blade. Make a cross shaped incision + bys inch at each fang mark. The cuts must be from 1/8 to + inch deep, deep enough to insure free bleeding. Apply suction for at least % hour. Suction may be applied by the mouth, »y a glass breast pump, or by a $mall funnel attached to a rubber. Heating a bottle or small elasen hot water or over a flame or by burnign a small piece of paper i it. Keep the patient quiet and give the usual treatment for shock. 6, Yes. The serium is called Antivénin. 7. It isa severe skin irritation and poisoning caused by coming in contact with the trailing tentacles of the "Portugese Man of War", "large jellyfish", or "Sea nettles." Tréatment-First rub the affected part with clean sand to remove the slime and parts of tentacles, Bathe the infected part with full strength ammonia water followed by a paste of bicarbenate of soda, or a good burn ointment. 8. Treatment for poison ivy-Make a paste by heating soap with a little water until about the consistancy of lard. Apply thickly over the part, allow to dry, leave over night. 2. Apply calamine lotion purchased from any drug store. At time of purchase, have the druggist add enough - earbolic acid to make a 2% solution. ‘Shake well, apply with cotton sponge and allow to dry. - 9. The male is relatively harmless.